Levy’s Making His Own Concrete To Save Money

Not a brick laid. That appears to be a phrase with a limited lifespan.

For once, saving money at THFC is a good thing.

Each day 900 to 100 tonnes of earth is being dug up in the rebuild is being rather cleverly processed – or washed on site – in order to separate what is dug up, out.

The result is that ‘spoil’ becomes aggregate, and from that, the builders can produce their own concrete.

The ‘footprint’ of this process is said to be tiny.

It’s a brilliant idea.

Here’s it happening.

Also for your delectation courtesy of the Skyscraper Forum, are some ariel shots taken by a chap called Bazza.

I’ve included a few below, but you can see his entire ‘reel’ on this public DropBox, which is bloody nice of him.

You can see some below, simply click on the images to enlarge.

Number 13 there is ‘who we used to live’ time.

At one stage, you could watch Spurs whilst pruning the roses.