Levy’s Humiliation Complete – Just Resign

The only problem with pro Levy supporting remarks, is that none of them stand up to any scrutiny by an adult.

Dumb Dumbs shouting ‘do you remember the 90s?’ and ‘I suppose you’d like us to do a Leeds?!’ are experts in Whatabouttery, but sadly detetacted from basic home truths.

The bungling that has taken place at THFC under ENIC’s reign has been noting shy of bewildering.

If you are genuinely seeking to debate this, then kindly review my archive before making clown of yourself, as I tend to despair when I have to repeat myself.

Only the like of the Russian mafia and Theresa May are as insulated from consequence by money, as Levy has been.

In any other sector than Premier League football, the bald weirdo would have been presented with the contents of his desk in a bin bag – years ago.

The cack handed mismanagement surrounding the White Hart Lav has only further revealed this cretin to be entirely out of his depth.

He’s only been micro managing this build for the wrong end of a decade.

Has he bolstered the first team squad for next season?


Will it be on budget?


Will be it be open on time?


Has he got a stadium sponsor?


It’s now been revealed by The Times (£) that is a last ditch attempt to wipe the egg off his face, he’s turned to his lender HSBC, and asked them if they want to sponsor the Soul Harvesting Device™

Guess what?

Mark Tucker, the HSBC chairman also said…


Can anyone see a pattern merging?