Levy Has Built A Shrine To Joyless Capitalism

My thanks to Paul

As a football team we are a badly busted flush.

Condemned today to defeat by the type of player (the actual player) we not only should but could have bought for £20million quid.

Bizarre to say given what Levyologists would reference as our success but I can’t remember a time I’ve felt quite this low about Spurs.

It’s the squandered opportunities, each glaringly signposted well ahead of time but repeated ad nauseam.

And the absolute knowledge that we have a chairman whose only interest, his exclusive interest above all others, is acquiring property assets and growing their value through low cost leverage debt.

Levy has built a shrine to joyless capitalism, (this from an arch capitalist by the way), at the expense of our footballing dreams.

There can be no arguments, none whatsoever that we have been going backwards in footballing terms for quite some time now.

The team has lost all momentum, has clearly lost a great deal of team spirit and togetherness and I’m not at all sure the players or the manager (let alone the fans) have any idea these days what it is they are fighting for or why.