Levy Braced For Another Financial Storm: Club Has Begun Phoning Fans

In this morning’s Telegraph, Matt Law proudly announced that “season ticket renewals for next season have apparently gone well with over 90 per cent of fans understood to be taking up the club’s offer of making a 20 per cent payment”…

On the surface, this sounds promising in these most testing of times, but that’s 80% off what ought to be sitting in the coffers, right now. However, I’m given to understand from several acquaintances that the club have spent the last few days (season ticket applications are now supposedly closed) telephoning anyone who hasn’t renewed.

The thrust of the questions is what one might expect from a golf club or gym where a client had decided not to continue, a polite ‘had you been aware of the deadline, and if so would you mind sharing how you made your decision?’

With 80% of gate receipts paused, and this wretched virus still running the rule over how people are behaving in their everyday life, it is ambitious to imagine that football clubs are going to ‘suddenly’ snap back into life for a long while yet.

Most pubs and restaurants in England are currently sleepwalking into a financial oblivion, with a fraction of their regular customers coming through the doors, and reduced opening hours. Compounding all this is an evident distrust of public transport – and that’s for those that have recently been made redundant.

The full extent of the damage to Tottenham remains to be seen, what is for certain is that they will not be alone.