Home » Latest Stadium Update Greeted In The Main With Waves Of Derision

Latest Stadium Update Greeted In The Main With Waves Of Derision

Such is the mood at Spurs these days, that the Tottenham Hotspur stadium has become a stick with which to beat the club’s owners. The latest update issued by the club might ordinarily be a moment for modest congratulations, but such fan comment was very thin on the ground as ENIC announced yet another industry award for the arena.

It feels like a long time ago now, when virtually every architectural update was greeted with rapturous praise by fans basking in the wonder of the build. Regrettably, the mood of the THFC fanbase (who opt to express an opinion on social media) has since considerably soured. As one supporter put it… “bit [sic] like your horse being given ‘best turned out’ [but] they never win”


Whether ENIC care to acknowledge it or not, there’s now a nasty undercurrent amongst supporters who have tired of the flannel and are looking for substance, which in professional sport means trophies. After all, the club is charging premium prices, whereby one would expect a premium product in return.

Ultimately the market always decides values – and right now – Daniel Levy needs to the mood music of the club’s support to improve.

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Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
4 years ago

What’s Latin for All fur coat & no knickers?

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
4 years ago

Anyone know if the club has refunded fans for the season ticket games that they will now not be able to attend, seeing as the games will be behind closed doors if there is a restart?

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
4 years ago

Captain Bungle has a tin ear when it comes to the wishes of the supporters. He doesn’t give a flying f**k about winning trophies, he only cares about the bottom line. He doesn’t even like football along with his mentor Joe Lewis, worth circa $4.5 bill whose generosity extended to furloughing his staff.
These leeches will never change their modus operandi until there is a half full stadium, season ticket holders do not renew and we languish in the bottom half of the table, without any chance of qualifying for the CL. Newcastle will also improve enormously and quickly to provide another threat. Time for the peasants to revolt.

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