Latest Quotes From Jonathan Barnett Will Delight Some Spurs Fans

There existed a hardcore tranche of Tottenham Hotspur fans that were so opposed to José Mourinho’s appointment that they were prepared to throw all reason out the window and instead funnel everything that appeared before them down the “Didn’t Want Him Here In The First Place” shute.

The Portuguese was a perfect pantomime villain when it came to Gareth Bale. Despite the Welshman being ‘injured’ the very existence of José meant there was room for a grudge to exist. We had leaked audio from Hotspur Way with Mourinho virtually pleading with someone, asking if they wanted to “…stay here or go to Madrid and play no football?”

Then we had the correction of the Instagram post where Bale effectively misled fans about who his day had gone. Mourinho threw the truth into the public domain.

Yeah, but it was really all José’s fault though, eh?

Now, Bale’s agent Mr. Barnett has – not for the first time – played the sympathy card. The quotes via Eurosport are extraordinary.

So Bale, a man lifting £325,000 a week has a rough ride? I’ve officially heard it all.

Some fans will delight at the notion that Bale has been hard done by – by Mourinho. Presumably, these are the same people who think that Real Madrid also treated the 31-year-old poorly?

There’s a pattern emerging, eh.