It’s like ****in’ Belfast on a bad night

What could possibly go wrong?

Our head coach and our illustrious chairman are fielding questions on Facebook today.

It’s no surprise that THFC have opted for the Facebook platform over Twitter.

Keeping club communications dumbed down is major priority with this regime.

If you’re going have to engage with the oiks, then at least choice the semi literate ones, as they can’t wound you as the sharp oiks can.

Some of the plebs Client Reference Numbers have begun to leave their comments, and the results so far remind me of that episode of The Simpsons where Homer pleas to Dr Monroe, “How can you tell who’s sane, and who’s insane?!”

The One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest vibe is on a par with the comments section of this blog.

The scariest questions are the posed as if the questioner is secretly hoping catch someone’s eye and become the next Paxman.

The net appears to be closing in on Sepp Bladder at long last. The FIFA man makes Robert Mugabe look like a philanthropist.

There’s a good piece in the ITB this morning by Fifa Whistleblower Bonita Mersiades, together with a handy 60 second video which puts the sprawling awfulness of what these people have been up to for years, into in a bitesize, clip.

It’s interesting that the catalyst investigations to these raids and arrests come from the authorities in the USA.

For those who got a chance to read my blog on Arry Redschnapp’s alleged skullduggery before the Metropolitan Police kindly asked me to remove it, you’ll recall it was also US law enforcement that traced Arry’s financial footprints, prior to his trial.

ITK floating about in a couple of places is suggesting that Liverpool are the front runners for Ings. Again. This week.

Historically we’ve been endlessly linked with Liverpool targets for two reasons.

One, it’s nice lazy journalism because we have similar – ish resources.

Two, we have similar – ish resources.

So if a player worth under £15million comes onto the scene, it’s not unreasonable that we’d both be interested.

My hunch is that Fenway Sports will be paying increased attention to Brenda’s shopping list this summer. Even if you deduct the loss of Suarez, he has generally speaking bought some  dysfunctional tat.  This is something the LFC owners won’t want to repeat again in a hurry.

Ironic given we’re looking for our owners to stop buying dysfunctional tat and give a manager a go.

Speaking of people who own football clubs, West Ham’s David Gold has woken up this morning to discover …a perhaps tired and emotional Tweet from 2012 has been given a new lease of life.

The close season used to mean just that.

It was closed.

Before the advent of the Premier League, transfer rumours were mumbles down the pub – if you were lucky.

These days, to quote Harry Shand, it’s more like fakin’ Belfast on a bad night.