Home » ITK Car Crash

Good evening.

A big win.

Ain’t no doubt about it.

It’s just that any sane person would wish that it and the previous loss hadn’t been inflicted upon our brave lads just days before the first game of the season.

Salt to the fatigue wound – can I just check that we’re still a Harry Kane ankle turn/hamstring away from gloom and doom?

Is this irritating blogger making a fuss about nothing?

Well, when we hit the final furlongs of the 2015/16 campaign next year, just promise not to bore me with game by game predictions of how we can somehow salvage a few meagre points in order to secure another tedious Europa spree.




The “ITK” then.

Gladys tells me that she has no clue at all about incoming signings.

The quote was:

It’s unusual for me to be without a sausage, but right now, that’s where we are, my love.”

On outgoings, Glad was more like her usual forthcoming self.

The Adebayor thing would be funny it were about anyone else. He genuinely believes that he’s still something special and that he’s owed a living. Spurs really thought that they’d rid of him, and Villa thought that Tim could manage him.

But the problem is, his ‘personal terms’ aren’t personal. He’s looking for club specific guarantees about his contract that neither Villa or Spurs are interested in agreeing to. Oh, and just in case you didn’t get the message the last time, this is when his mobile phone is actually picked up.”

Elsewhere, forum ITKs suggest that a striker or something or other, are due any day.

Another 48hrs?


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