Home » “Immense pride” Ryan Nelson Is Incredibly Happy… for now | video

“Immense pride” Ryan Nelson Is Incredibly Happy… for now | video

By The Boy -

There are no two ways about it, Ryan Nelson is in for one hell of a ride. We have been told that Spurs have an immensely talented squad packed with Internationals, according to Jamie Redknapp. So Manchester City better be on their game; after all, there will be no trophies for doing well against Southampton.

Ryan told the BBC that Spurs were in his heart, in his blood – so at least we ought to be spared the ‘Tom Sherwood Experience’ again.

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3 years ago

Mason put in a full nelson by Pep

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Not a chance in hell.

Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
3 years ago

Whole things hilarious. He looks like a deer trapped in the headlights. He’s as quiet as a mouse. People will worry for his health after that brain injury, worst collision I’ve ever seen or heard off.. He knows nothing about the super league because he’s had his head in a laptop for 13 hours. He’s happy the lads are professional and willing to listen and learn from him. He never said what he was looking up on his laptop did he… You tube I expect, How to coach school teams…

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Roma, Marseille…..ffs

Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Big Mal

Almost as scary as having Ryan Mason in charge…

Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

🤣 I was scrolling down to see who had spotted this .. Its a good tongue twister, bet you can’t say ‘ RYAN NELSON RYAN MASON’ really fast ten times.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

None, really! But much as I dislike the concept of the ESL (and I haven’t much liked a lot of other things since the NEW TV age was ushered in in 1992), I think you have to join it, if given the chance, or you get left behind.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Oh, that’s good!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Absolutely, as far as I’m concerned.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

YES, there’s almost no depths to which they wouldn’t sink.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

All these people are really interested in these days – and in some sports like cricket even the governing bodies – is the casual fan and the huge amounts of cash they can make out of them; the traditional, committed fan is way down their list of priorities, sadly.

3 years ago

What’s Levy’s excuse though????

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

My sincere thanks and congratulations to the fans of rival clubs for your determined fightback against the proposed monstrosity. of the ESL, though much has nevertheless been lost in our game since 1992.

3 years ago

Ours claims to be a fan though.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

Yes, he seems a pretty appalling man but I imagine that goes for most of the chairmen and owners of the biggest clubs these days.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Levy’s statement just bollocks! If he could have said – TRUTHFULLY – that we were never very keen on the idea but felt we couldn’t afford to be left behind, I would feel more forgiving in this instance.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

I’m not sure it was a ruse; I think the Americans underestimated the love we have for our clubs and for some of our traditions. They are used to doing what they like in the US with their franchises and branding. I think they have had a bit of a jolt in the last few days.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Snow Patrol


3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

I can’t understand how this is worse than having gangsters buy clubs as pet projects – the fans have no say in that and it is anti-competitive. Or the way the FA cup and League cup have been completely devalued. There was an outcry at the start when teams started to field weakened teams, but it’s normal now. When coming 4th in the league puts you into the big time how is that competetive. It devalues winning anything as 4th is the big target for everyone. The fans want cups but the board secretly don’t care. In public they are cheering but it is not profitable, and that is the game that we have been playing for decades.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Don’t forget sending people back into care homes who were covid positive after they caught it in the hospitals.

Although maybe the government deserves a teeny little bit of blame for not predicting there was going to be a need for more beds this winter seeing as normal flu leaves hospitals completely overflowing every winter even without covid. That and underfunding and undermining the health service and loading them with debt.

Last edited 3 years ago by justin
3 years ago

Sold th3 soul of the club. Shame on them and now their naked greed has been laid bare.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Utd s share price took a hit today and Woodward paid the price. ENIC answer only to Danny’s godfather so no change expected.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

I was lucky enough to go to the manu game, still have the flag and t-shirt the club laid out…very emotional day indeed….

3 years ago

Agents are scum but I don’t mind the concept of rich owners who want to buy in and compete with the big boys. In fact, that’s what the Super-duper league lot are terrified of. I couldn’t be more disgusted with our club management and that’s saying something during Enics tenure.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

Sadly, you are probably right but there has already been collateral damage after the ESL fiasco with the resignation of Ed Woodward. Other heads will probably roll.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Let’s hope so. Footy needs a reset.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

Cap agent fee’s and players should cover the cost (not clubs) just like any other business and cap players wages…De Bruyne asking for 375k a week when clubs are taking loans out to survive HAS to stop…

3 years ago

Which wasn’t hundreds of millions in the hole.

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

“something else is going on here”

I’ve been feeling the same thing. Not saying we’re right, just that the speed of it all seems odd, like it’s all being flushed through quick to get it out of the way. Poor Aitch’s posts and vids are struggling to keep up.

3 years ago

He’s lower than a snakes belly. He makes my skin crawl.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

He should just eff off not before putting our club back EXACTLY how he found it….

3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Levy is a cockroach. He won’t do the honorable thing and Lewis won’t do the right thing.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

NO Hugs remember…..there’s a 99.7% survivable lurgy about according to the Gates Foundations spokespeople.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

Levy is full of dog poo…..he jumped on the band-waggon for more free money just like he was willing to send us to east London to get a free stadium.
A family member is close to a another family member of a CEO of a prem club and I found out this morning Levy was going to pull out but couldn’t say anything….

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

I’m not sure about the lockdown’s generally but the form they took. The NHS has a huge amount of questions to answer.

The longest waiting list for treatments since records began, halted life saving and life extending treatments, four month delays to investigative scans and tests.

This people were/are supposed to be the experts in all of this and they’ve behaved like chickens with their heads cut off. It’s atrocious really “thank you NHS” what for? Making the death toll many times worse than Covid caused via incompetence? Yeah, thanks for that…

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Staged. All too orchestrated and in and out.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago

There is a God. Levy is a dead man walking. Time for the President of Patagonia to pick up the bat phone and sack the useless c**t that is our chairman. He has never got anything right. I suggest that Seppuku is the best result for Levy. For those of you that don’t speak fluent Japanese, this means ritual suicide.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

People will swallow anything they propose now, so long as it isn’t that.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

All bit of a ruse, something else is going on here. The only way something isn’t going on is if the authorities sanction the clubs involved or ban the owners from any further involvement in football…

Neither will happen so you have to wonder…

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Make room for The Carabao Cup, its coming.

Harry Kure
Harry Kure
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Dont really get Barcelonas involvment in this. They need the majority of their 140.000 members/fans, who own the club, on board to get something this big through. Would never been accepted

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

“the game we all love”

Yeah I’m just like you…..what a snake. Levy loves nothing but cash and owl bagels.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Snow Patrol

But he saves on the bonus for winning The Carabao Cup.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Thanks Daniel, you can also stick your one League Cup in 22 years up your a*rse, while you’re at it…

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Snow Patrol

Gary Neville is calling for the removal of the Glazers, says they have no future in Manchester and Jamie Carragher says Fenway Sports need to leave. Oh it’s going to be nasty.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

You know, the word ‘sustainability’ is one of my pet hates, It’s usually meaningless in whatever context it’s used and it is too often used to excuse any old pile poorly thought out of cr*p someone might be trying to flog.

“oh, my electric cars is sooo sustainable” no it isn’t but your gullibility obviously is…

Snow Patrol
Snow Patrol
3 years ago

Without the £350 million that was coming from the ESL, the Jose payoff is going to sting a bit.

I’ll bet Daniel is apoplectic …….

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Media pushing the “fan power” narrative…..pat yaselfs on the back everyone blah blah…..patronizing rubbish. This was all a smokescreen.
Either that or these elite #\@$ have seen how people have rolled over this last year and thought they could push this through now. Once they smell blood, it’s hunt time. We gave up our freedom and they won’t stop now.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Haaaaaa! Levy was hanging on white knuckles to the dream of non meritocracy non competition and bags of free cash…

Naaah They all come out 24 hours later in a row.




James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

We can confirm that we have formally commenced procedures to withdraw from the group developing proposals for a European Super League (ESL).

Chairman Daniel Levy said: “We regret the anxiety and upset caused by the ESL proposal. We felt it was important that our club participated in the development of a possible new structure that sought to better ensure financial fair play and financial sustainability whilst delivering significantly increased support for the wider football pyramid.

“We believe that we should never stand still and that the sport should constantly review competitions and governance to ensure the game we all love continues to evolve and excite fans around the world.

“We should like to thank all those supporters who presented their considered opinions.”

Last Updated: 22:56
4m ago

3 years ago

would be surprised if Tottenham haven’t announced they’re pulling out too before tonight is over…

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  legoverlass

Love it, could it be the end of Levy? How many more bad decisions can a CEO make before being sacked. Levy is a clusterf**k of bad decisions. Is it time for Seppuku for Levy? For those of you who don’t speak fluent Japanese, it means ritual suicide.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Domestically and I think RM might after Bale

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Owners ultimately

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

They tried and failed to introduce a wage cap, Real Madrid wouldn’t agree it.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

Where was all that money going to?

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

True, but we haven’t reached the state where United are being looted by the Glazers.

Harry Kure
Harry Kure
3 years ago

Barcelona would probably not been allowed to join anyways. Earlier this evening, their new President confirmed that the club needs the majority vote from their 140.000 members to proceed.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

Not Spurs fans.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

We’ve that in the form of Enic, you could say we were copied

3 years ago
Reply to  Sid34

He steps down only to leave his hand up his new puppets backside

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

Well if it stops the likes of the Glazers, Kroenkes and Fenway group buying the club I think that’s a good thing.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Doesn’t stop wage caps just the arbitrary figure it would be set at

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

We are a small proportion of the fan base, filling stadiums is small fry with what was on offer

3 years ago
Reply to  Pablo

I think this has actually pushed up the figure you’d need to buy the club.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

This was the one thing hidden in all this, once they had got rid of UEFA and FIFAs control they would have introduced a wage cap.
It would be like an NBA team three of the Star players would be getting ninety percent of the wages. The rest would be on minimum contracts.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Why, this form has gone ‘lame’ but the principle behind it will be just repackaged. I googled what our global fan base is, we are not just part of let’s grab a beer at the three compasses before we go to the match anymore. For better or worse those days are dead. And where there are fans there is cash to be made.

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  Sid34

I cannot remotely see that happening.

3 years ago

The downside is that we will be stuck with the parasites that are ENIC for the foreseeable. Levy and Uncle Joe won’t get top dollar anytime soon so we’ll be stuck with them. Expecting people like Levy and Lewis to ‘do the decent thing’ is lunacy.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Yes, but fans “have no compwehension”…

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

They won’t if wages get suppressed from their opposition.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’
‘Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war’.

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago

A couple of my close friends are chelski fans. We have hugged on occasion but rarely on match days.

Last edited 3 years ago by Urbane Sturgeon
Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

It’s the sort of thing that happens in sport: Harry and Poch have several near misses and win nothing while someone else wins on their only serious attempt. You have golfers who win a major championship on the only occasion they contend and others who finish second four times and never manage to land a big one. Even Jack Nicklaus managed to finish second seven times in the Canadian Open (not a major) without ever winning it!(on one occasion he was even runner up to Peter Oosterhuis winning his only tournament on the US tour)

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Totally, this along with not allowing Poch to rebuild and backing him has shown them up to not care a jot about the fans whatsoever. Oh and the furlough thing. Anyone still buying into their con is beyond hope.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  legoverlass

We learned something this week, these clubs call us legacy fans, not nice and shiny enough for them. It’s streaming, Netflixing, downloading, on demand 24hr Party People, Millenials they want.

The Kind Nihilist
The Kind Nihilist
3 years ago

Hats off to you British fans! You have single-handedly slain the beast as it emerged from its foetid uterus. It took less than 48h. Italy and Spain, meanwhile, were conspicuous by their silence. As a football fan, you have my undying gratitude!

PS: I actually feel like hugging a Chelsea fan. Could smeone kindly reassure me that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me? Please?…

3 years ago

Man City out, Chelsea out, Athletico out, Barcelona out, Woodward resigned. The damage to the brands of these clubs even though they have pulled out has been catastrophic. They have lifted the veil on their real values and views of the fans and now tail between their legs they are scurrying for damage limitation. Levy is hiding under his desk in the Cheese Room and looking at the red phone nearby. He is crunched up in a crouched position not unlike Golam. Beads of perspiration are trickling down his face as he awaits the call from Uncle Joe. Could the little emperor fall on the same sword he had just removed from Mourinho’s back? Maybe the ESL does have a silver lining after all. The bailout maneuver has failed. The stadium remains empty. Uncle Joe stirs from his saline drip induced coma on his tax haven gin palace and his hand slowly reaches out towards the red phone in front of him……….make the call Joe… make the call! Good luck with season ticket sales by the way…….

Last edited 3 years ago by legoverlass
Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Bertoliver

Chelsea are usually bouncing a little before the change, though, compared with us when we make our change. I do understand the point you’re making and, yes, the Russian does seem to get a bounce.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sid34

You could be right. He’s always avoided media scrutiny over his Spurs cock ups but the hatred the six clubs have generated over the SL may mean the media view very differently from now on

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

I don’t!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

The prospective manager ( though you’d hope for their own sake that they’ve actually done their homework) perhaps looks round our stadium and thinks “what a fantastic looking set up; this club should be League champions, European champions, the works.” And then after they’ve signed up, they’re given their budget by Levy with the advice “I suggest you look in Ligue 1, there are some real bargains to be had there!” Or am I just being an old cynic? Levy has form, you know!

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago
Reply to  Sid34

People have short memories.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Liverpool players saying they don’t like it and they don’t want it. Expect there will be loads of players coming out against it now.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Bertoliver

Nagelsmann our target, it would seem. The German would have to be mad, in my view, to put a spanner in the works of his own progress by going to work for Levy and ENIC, though I guess he’s young enough to regain ground lost after he’s been sacked. Of course, who knows how Levy sells the club to a prospective manager to get them to sign on the dotted line.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

I agree. I know some here have their misgivings about Levy (to put it mildly), but this is a mis-step of a whole different scale. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him step down as chairman within the next 12 months.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sid34
James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

Also there was no guarantee that with very little to play for, no relegation, unless you were in with a chance of winning it, the games would be glorified pre season games.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Don’t underestimate Enic and Levy.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Makes ENIC look like the desperate money-grubbers we’ve known they are for so long.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

I think maybe it was the basic unfairness of it all, we were in but clubs like Everton, Aston Villa, Wolves who once were dominant clubs in English football but have been caught out by cycle of history were shut out for good. Same as Ajax, Benfica, Roma, Marseille.

3 years ago

Woodward gone from Utd, Levy next please.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Surely this is a question of damage limitation now to the reputations of the clubs involved. If we are one of the last left standing it’s going to look so bad.

3 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeG


East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

Yeah, it’s a bit of a worry. Anyway, nothing to do with us so they can shove their Super League where the sun don’t shine….

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

I have a feeling we’re probably not that popular in Asia. Having been success-starved for so long, we don’t appeal to glory hunters like the other five clubs. Our facilities might help, though.

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

If the club was hit with a huge fine, demotion etc. that megalomaniac still wouldn’t quit.

3 years ago

I’m not ordinarily one for hyperbole, but I think this whole ESL fiasco will prove to be beginning of the end for Levy…

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Listened to a lawyer who has written a text book on European Law say that because there was no or severely limited access to the League to all other teams it was anti competitive and basically a cartel and because they treat football and the arts differently to business the laws on access are even tougher on potential monopolies.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Lets make it great again then! 😂

3 years ago

Just a question and not my opinion, why would fans who rather us play good football but not win anything (seen this sentiment on here this year) oppose the super league?

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