Home » “If this continues”: Alan Hutton urges 30-year-old Tottenham star to leave the club ASAP

“If this continues”: Alan Hutton urges 30-year-old Tottenham star to leave the club ASAP

By Mehdi Gokal -

Former Tottenham Hotspur midfielder Alan Hutton has urged Matt Doherty to leave the club in order to find regular playing time.

Speaking to Football Insider, the former Tottenham Hotspur man stated that if Conte does not play him more regularly, the right-back may have to consider his “options.”

Conte has started Emerson Royal ahead of Doherty and Spence this season, and despite the Irishman’s return from injury, Conte does not appear to trust him with the position. Last week, when asked why Doherty does not start, Conte stated that it is because he ‘doesn’t want to lose.

Doherty started his first league game this season after Emerson was sent off against Arsenal playing the entire 90-minute game against Brighton this weekend.

It does not, however, guarantee that he will be given more playing time. If his situation does not improve, Hutton believes the 30-year-old should consider his options. He stated:

“I think everybody has to look at their options…. I think Doherty is at an age now where he wants to play regularly. He doesn’t want to sit on the bench and look in.”

“Two years, he has got a little bit of security there but he wants to play football after a long layoff. So he might have to look at his options moving forward if this continues.”

The Irishman is 30 years old, and these are most likely his final few seasons as a player before physically declining, and if he wants to make the most of these years, he may have to find a new club.

Tags Matt Doherty NewsNow Tottenham Hotspur

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Archibald&Crooks (SC)
Archibald&Crooks (SC)
1 year ago

Yes HH I am in the “play Spence ffs” camp

Archibald&Crooks (SC)
Archibald&Crooks (SC)
1 year ago
Reply to  Sonificent

I remember one incident when he was waiting in the Forest penalty area fo a cross that neevr cam.
Time for Conte to swallow his pride and play him (and before anyone jumps in what exactly does he see/not see in training – Spence laying on the grass vaping or being skinned by Emerson? Nah

1 year ago

Doherty went through a half reasonable patch at the end of last season but based on the 90 minutes light jog he put in on Saturday, now seems to be back to his worst.

The difference between Doherty at 30 and Perisic at 33 is night and day.

1 year ago
Reply to  Spurs47

He looked half decent last year in a few games I saw. That’s more than Royal and Doherty since they signed!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sonificent

I must admit that I find it difficult to understand that both Royal and Doherty are preferred to Spence who must be wondering why he signed for us and how on earth he will get any playing time under Conte. He can’t be that bad surely?

1 year ago

I’m also not sure what options Doherty would have!

1 year ago

As poor as he played, Doherty is more of a threat than Royal. Not that it says much.

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