Highest Goal Scorers in Premier League history (1992-2020) Feat. Kane, Ferdinand, Keane & Defoe|video

This video is worth watch. What see is the emergence of the top 15 highest goal scorers in English Premier League history, between the years 1992 and 2020. What’s notable is that Spurs have a number of players in the listing. Les Ferdinand, Robbie Keane, Jermain Defoe and of course, Harry Kane.

However, what is worth our consideration is to look at the other big names in the era of Harry Kane, and note how many of them have also won trophies, as they racked up their goal tallies?

It strikes me as being now inevitable that Kane will want to be remembered for more than merely being a prolific front man. How much time does Mourinho have to lick Spurs into shape, before Kane, now 27, weighs up his options. Surely it can’t be long.