He’s Dead To Me

Looking about online at the ‘fan reaction’ to Danny Rose opening his heart to The Sun it’s not a complete surprise that some of you poor darlings still don’t believe this has happened and are desperately looking to for a way to play down what is yet another Hiroshima moment.

It’s no coincidence that Rose dropped his bomb a few days before the season starts. Paul Mitchell did the same thing and this is for one reason alone, to make it perfectly clear, despite whatever happens next, that this wasn’t coincidental.

Any damage limitation was not something they encouraged. Both men want you to know they were sincere and they wanted out.

Why did Rose go to the press? Well in simple terms, he is gutted, absolutely distraught that his colleague, his close pal, a player that uses the same agent as him for crissakes, got out and he didn’t.

Yesterday we had itk that he was told back in May that he couldn’t leave. Rose is the man left behind.

Fredo, you’re nothing to me now. You’re not a brother, you’re not a friend. When you see our mother, I wanna know a day in advance so I won’t be there.

Clearly he’s tried all the conventional escape routes and he’s now reduced to this ill-advised cry for help which reads more like suicide note than anything else, but that’s by the by.

The list of grievances aired here is simply a continuation of what was obviously brewing in that 5 Live interview that many of you attempted to (and failed) to play down.

There is little value in embroiling ourselves in ‘interpreting’ the interview. He’s no longer a Spurs player in anything but name. If you want to construct some fairytale, be my guest.

What is worth analysis, is what Levy & Co. do next. Rose’s departure isn’t complicated and need not be a protracted business. He has a ‘For Sale’ sign around his neck and the deal will be done sooner rather than later.

Spurs will never achieve anything of note under Levy.