Home » “Here comes a thrashing” Some Fans really are struggling with this ominous player update

“Here comes a thrashing” Some Fans really are struggling with this ominous player update

By The Boy -

According to Mike McGrath of the Telegraph Online, Tottenham will start the season without the services of Harry Kane. Mike’s understanding is that after reaching the final of this summer’s Euro’s competition, the England captain is going to need several weeks yet before being suitably rested and ready to return to club duty.

The story was picked up Mail Online, and the bulk of their readers are struggling to buy into the legitimacy of the tale. What remains to be seen is just how many other England/Euros stars also feel they need more time before being available to play in the Premier League.

I take a view that this is merely the start of it – Kane’s inevitable departure to Manchester City. As I’ve said previously, the interview with Gary Neville makes no sense whatsoever unless Kane wants out. Harry will want to paint himself as a reasonable guy, wanting to progress his career; and recovering from being a tournament finalist is a whole lot better looking than some fictional injury.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Hope you post a selfie of you eating your knickers lol. Listen we heard this before when modric.. bale.. etc wanted to leave. What happened? They left. Player is king these days.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Meant he was not an academy footballer ,sorry english ain’t first language,also dont know where the edit function is. Apologies good Sir

Last edited 3 years ago by ForzaSpurs
3 years ago
Reply to  Timmy mac

I’d bet a month’s wages he’s not going anywhere mate, not this summer anyway. Harry’s under contract, and Dan the man isn’t letting him out of that contract for anything less than bonkers money. Kane is only leaving if he’s told he can. The money needed just to rebuild the back is not going to be covered by what we make from offloading our dead wood – if in fact we manage to offload it. If Kane is allowed to leave, do you think we can attract a forward worth any sort of salt to play in the conference league? This window is about fixing a shambles of a defence. We already have one of the best strikers in the world. Why allow him to go and give yourself an unnecessary headache. He’s staying whether he likes it or not. If not I’ll eat my knickers.

3 years ago

The stench of another jam tomorrow project is permeating around the world-class training facilities and stadium. Another “it will take time” ” we need to work towards a new future” blah de blah de blah. As Levy slowly slides back into the shadows and he is heard talking to Uncle Joe on the Batphone … ” Its working as we planned Uncle, I cannot believe they have fallen for it yet again… I reckon we can string this out for another four years at least”

3 years ago

The man has clearly said he wants to be considered in the same bracket as Messi and Ronaldo,both of these players on numerous times wins things single handedly, loom at Robaldo wirg Portugal when everyone else was doing jack.

Kane was in a couple of finals that required him to shine and in non of them did he do that . A Korean player at spurs who was brought up through the Spurs academy extends but harry wont . Son can play in any team in the world,in Germany he is highly highly rated,Bayern would be all over him if he chose that option.He can also be like Kane and say I want to win trophies, matter of fact the pressue on him is even bigger as if he won some trophies he would be considered the greatest Korean to ever play the game. So please differentiate between supporting players and supporting clubs.

Timmy mac
Timmy mac
3 years ago

Last thing I expected Kane or any of the England payers to be available for was the opening day of the season. When do the guys get to have a holiday?

Kane is not leaving because Pocettino got sacked.

Kane is not leaving because Mourinho got sacked.

Kane is leaving because Levy didn’t.

Scottish Yiddo
Scottish Yiddo
3 years ago

Shut up u melted welly

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  Bergquist

He ruddy well should do.

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
3 years ago

Lets get real here. Kane is gone as is THFC as long as ENIC , Levy are in control. Its all just smoke and mirrors to appease the Vulgar Throng, ie The Supporters.

3 years ago
Reply to  ForzaSpurs

Kane is a professional footballer. He is paid to play football. When players speak out against their employers, like Cashley Cole did, they come across as spoilt, selfish idiots. When he retires we’ll see what he thought in his autobiography “Obviously”. There is no need for Kane to voice his discontent. Kane may well have affection for Spurs, but to stay would be futile. He’s given his all for the club. He definitely wont be booed by me. He finished as the league’s top scorer and assister in a team that is our worst for over a decade. Players like Campbell deserve the fan’s ire, not Kane.

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago

For a lot of players there’ll be a hangover after the Euros, general disappointment and tiredness after the Covid season. It happened after the last World Cup.

Last edited 3 years ago by James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago
Reply to  Tonespurs


3 years ago

There’s no fact that city offered 100 million other than sky if the money comes in he goes if not he stays

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago
Reply to  ForzaSpurs

No, don’t put all Spurs failures on one man. The “team” weren’t good enough.

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

You really got a neg rating for this post. Some proper clowns about.

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago
Reply to  Tonespurs

That was last year and we did eff all.
He wants to leave get over it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tonespurs

We should have done that while WHL was still standing, though. Imagine strengthening the squad while we still had peak Eriksen, Jan, Toby and others. The 240M of our own money that was sunk into the new arena might have helped!

We’re heading into another transitional season so we could maybe get back up there the season after, or even a year later. Kane can’t keep waiting. He’ll be 28 in a few days and has won nothing at all.

All Levy’s own doing.

3 years ago

If it’s true that he’s knocked back a £100M bid from City, then it’s more likely than not that he’s staying for another season. Nobody’s paying more than that plus wages on a single player in the current climate.
By some accounts Joe Lewis has stuck his personal oar in on this one as well.

3 years ago

We are spurs ,we will recover, we lost numerous world class footballers during the years . While he deserves his chance to win trophies ,he had multiple chances to do it with spurs and failed. No man is bigger than THFC ,not Levy not Harry Kane . I’m not affiliated to any footballer only to the club. I wont cheer Harry Kane if he leaves, I will boo him because he left this beautiful club. Some might say it’s because of levy ,yes it is,but if any of the supporters on here were in a position of power we would call out Levy publicly. Let the fans know ,but he wont ,because incase things dont work out at City,he needs THFC to give him a lifeline ,f*** Harry kane and cheers to the long suffering Tottenham fans around the world ,at this moment in time with regard to football,we only have each other to count on. Harry kane said he wants to he in the same level as Messi and Ronaldo….those 2 win things on their own when the team is failing.

3 years ago

He’s probably been told by Levy not to play against us as there is likely a massive protest if he did with Kane transfer probs concluding only few days before? So he’s rolled out the excuses early!

3 years ago

do you think, somewhere deep in his lair, late at night, Levy will one day come to the conclusion the stadium could have waited 3 seasons?

3 years ago

How’s about this for a thought Harry comes back sees 5 or 6 new faces in the squad who are proper players and then makes his mind up this is not inevitable at all

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago

It’s no good Levy crowing from the rooftops that Kane is going nowhere and he’s still under contract blah blah. If Harry wants out of the fake project that is enic fc then nobody will be able to get him to give 100% this season. Why not take the £100m and Jesus and let the lad go and win a trophy or two?
He wouldn’t have wanted out in the first place if Levy had built a top team around him instead of going over 500 days without a signing when we were on the verge of being the best team in the country, perhaps even in Europe. One of the best managers, best strikers, best defence, classy midfield etc. No Mr Levy this situation is entirely upon you. You let it all go to save a few quid didn’t you? Now you’re going to try and make Harry look like the villain of the piece I expect, won’t wash with the vast majority of intelligent Spurs fans.

3 years ago

It makes no difference. Harry rarely scores a goal in August anyway!

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