Harry Kane ‘s Got More Beef Than Mo Salad

A Special Kind Of Madness: Liverpool Football Club. 


This is an upbeat read for the rank and file Dumb Dumbs in our support.

We’ve had a confirmed sighting of someone as daft as you.

The Tweet stems from some Craig Bellamy quotes in the Liverpool Echo which suggest that Mo is winning the psychological war between the two hit men.

“One thing I love about Harry Kane is his hunger and his motivation,” Bellers said. “He was after top goalscorer, he wanted to beat Salah. He would have rushed his injury back, he seems like that type of kid. He wants the goals.”

All true aside, from the bit about Salah being the motivation.

I may have got my medical qualifications out of a Kinder egg, but I can confidently tell you Kane like all top class athletes, is only obsessed with his personal best. Not who’s over his shoulder, or out in front. His ambition is simply for him to excel.





Bellamy was right in respect of Kane’s desire to rush through his injury rehab – because he always does.

Mentally, Kane is much tougher than Salah.

Champions league final and Mo gets clattered – his response?

Walks off.

There’s more of the Terry Butcher about Kane than Salah could possibly hope to ever channel.

Which only serves to add to the Boy’s Own nature of the Harry Kane narrative; a back story of meaningless loans and the bloodymindedness that gave him the resolve to climb up into the light.


Harry Kane returned from Russia 2018 with a Golden Boot which he was proud of, but not overly ecstatic, because he knew that he hadn’t gone full tilt on one of the the world’s biggest stages.

By stark contrast, Salah and Egypt went home early after a trio of defeats – where was Psych Warrior Mo?

The boy snook out the back door to avoid the press.

Mo Salah is a great striker.

My evidence based belief is that Harry Kane will demonstrate a little later on today, who the better man is.
