Harry Kane Quotes Are Another Breath Of Fresh Air | opinion

Harry Kane’s quotes are breath of fresh air, much like José Mourinho’s yesterday. Controlled environments produce safety. Add to which, Premier League footballers tend to be what one might call a comorbidity-free zone. Of course, one can never legislate for the completely unknown, as the sorry business with Francis Muamba proved. Hence, the term, ‘completely unknown.

In recent weeks the essential amorality of the Premier League has been used, in combination with players testing positive, such as at Brighton & Hove Albion as a reason to void the season, when in fact, such isolated incidents only serve to prove that science protects us.

Harry Kane is keen to get back to whatever a post-COVID-19 normality looks like, and start kicking a ball about again. It makes me proud to know that my club is thinking critically, as opposed to having a meltdown. Kane told PA Sport, here via The Independent

“From what I have heard – obviously I haven’t seen too much of my team-mates – at the moment everyone is OK. We want to see how the Premier League gives us a plan and what that looks like. I guess we just go from there.

“Me personally, I am happy to start training in small groups if that is allowed and just trying to get back to some normality as soon as possible. I guess everyone is different and has their own personal view.”

Personal views are about right, and as Mourinho allegedly told fellow managers recently, “If you don’t want to play, stay home and watch Bundlesliga!” I’ll take science over fear-mongering any day of the week, and twice on Saturdays.

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