Home » Gut Reaction: I Name Names: Soporific Spurs In Need Of A Violent Shake-Up

Gut Reaction: I Name Names: Soporific Spurs In Need Of A Violent Shake-Up

By The Boy -

Another 2 points dropped, this time against a down at heel side that is fighting for Premier League air in a division with many heavy smokers in its lower half.

Soporific is probably too lively a word to describe much of Tottenham’s play against what was ultimately a side that all at half speed, with the notable exception of Harry Kane, who must be wondering what he’s still doing here. Again.

Davinson Sanchez is a player I could only recognize in a police line-up if I was able to see the back of his head. Defenders that are left staring into their own goalmouths are a disgrace to the profession.

Alasdair Gold recently announced that ‘there are some within the club who believe Sanchez, if he remains, could reach new heights with the right partner by his side once again.’

Those words didn’t age well, did they?

Lo Celso and Moura were both off the pace. Sergio Reguilon perhaps even more so. NONE of this shower were involved in the Interlull. This begs the question, does this team need a better coach (perhaps one with a qualification in spiritualism?) or do they simply need to be nurtured by a manager that has never won anything?

The Carlos Vinicius is experiment is right up there with the Gareth Bale one.

More opinion and video incoming…

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Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Look again Mr Magoo. Sanchez every effing time clueless useless brain dead

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Partly you have a point, Jose is head coach and he has to get a tune out of who he’s been given, but the instrument is broke so it will always be off tune until it’s fully restored.
but on the positive he started a youthful defence ( even you Easty must be over the moon Rodon started) but with the double mistake leading to the first goal and generally everyone playing poorly the isn’t one magic pill to rectify it all.
we have to have a manager an back him for a few years and not get caught up with press stories driving an agenda clouding about what they do. its a bit like a stadium taking nearly twice as long for us to get back to, we didn’t say let’s not go back

3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

No other manager would… do you not remember the six years of Poch, in which he had to play almost every game even half-injured? Or in which most players often looked knackered because they were being constantly run into the ground, even on the training pitch?

Kane’s improvement is beyond a doubt. 19+13 with eight games to go, and that’s just the league. I don’t have the numbers, but it would surprise me if he ever made it past 5-6 assists in a single season – now he’s top of scoring and assisting charts at the same time.

Son has already contributed to more goals than in any other league season, with 13+9 – he’s only scored more in the 2016-17 season (14) but provided fewer – and there are 8 games to go.

Ndombele barely ever played under Poch due to fitness issues and now he’s playing week in week out, even though he does usually fade towards the end a bit. So I wouldn’t really argue about the improvement of these guys.

I agree Reg had an off game and I missed his part in the second goal – I just saw Sanchez and Rodon running into each other towards the end of that move. Terrible.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Kane being improved is debatable, he should not have to defend in his own box then race the length of the pitch to then hit a post with his effort on goal. No other manager would burn out a player who’s main asset is scoring goals, the fact he has to also create from the middle of the pitch and also defend is too much, albeit magnificent in effort and passion. Son has not improved and is not enjoying his role, Ndombele has improved in his fitness levels to perform better, but hardly awe inspiring.
A shake up yes, a clearout indeed, but that means the right players going and coming in, which is also debatable. Also the mistakes for the goals started with Lloris releasing the ball to Tanganga who made the initial mistake from which Sanchez then made another howler, the second was down to Reg who made no effort to reach the cross, which was criminal, but overlooked by most.

3 years ago

This is us the last decade we do these type of results under 4 or 5 managers in the last qtr of the season. Jose should be different but its the same. Great he’s gone with youth, and plenty of fans wanted that, but serious lack of leadership on the pitch (we even have the English and French national captains playing for us), not one player got the side by the scruff to gee them up, looks like they’ve checked out already this season.

3 years ago

Sanchez, along with a few others should never wear the shirt again. Their performances leave a lot to be desired. Their continued mistakes are and embarrassment.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

I wonder how long you will continue to rail against the fictional people that say – according to you – that Jose is some sort of perfect blameless saint. Nobody actually thinks that and if we’re judging by social media, most people blame him much more than any deficiencies of the squad. Some people still call for Dele as the antidote to our problems ffs.

The squad has obvious deficiencies due to the board’s criminal neglect. Players have been here for two or three seasons more than they should be. Most of them are tired and disillusioned, and have been learning an entirely different way of thinking – no more philosophies, just an honest effort to win games right now. And it doesn’t work, just like it famously didn’t work under Poch at the end.

I thought that the Villa win could be the springboard for something better; we didn’t play extremely well, but did enough, worked hard and most wasters were put aside. Now the same team played and put in a much worse performance against a side inept similarly to a Grealish-less Villa. Why?

Maybe Jose is still coaching them to step off the opposition once ahead after the same approach cost us points time and time again. Or maybe it’s true that the players simply can’t keep up for 90 minutes and suffer from individual mistakes, while he instructs them to attack more. It depends on what you believe.

I think individual mistakes are still letting us down heavily – Sanchez arguably cost us both goals today. If someone wishes to trot out “but he sets us up defensively inviting mistakes”, I would again refer you to player quotes saying dropping deep is not Jose’s instruction but something the players seemingly do of their own accord, and also to the fact Jose started Lo Celso-Ndombele-Moura-Vinicius-Kane. Is that negative?

We need to shake up the squad more than we have – with the same players, the same mistakes will likely persist. Some players can be improved and have been under Jose (e.g. Kane, Son, Ndombele, Aurier occasionally), but some are hopeless and have to go – and that is irrespective of who is the manager.

3 years ago

Mourinho stating that Toby and Aurier didn’t get back from international duty on time to have a covid test and were unable to train with the squad. That to me sounds like he has thrown his pram out yet again. I am sure Toby could have taken a test and been fit enough to play against Newcastle. We definitely needed his experience.to organise the back line today as they were all over the place.There are a lot of egos at THFC and they are destroying the club.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago

The question that requires answering is obvious, why have so many of the players, some of whom have been regulars in previous seasons now performing so poorly that they look shot of confidence and ability ?
I don’t go with the easy excuse of players not being ‘bothered’, they are not all like Sissoko fortunately, even though the performances are as poor, but the manager should look at the whole situation, but he won’t of course.

3 years ago

Another two points frittered away, although it’s hard to argue that Newcastle didn’t deserve to get something out of the game. Nevertheless the defending was shambolic at times, especially Sanchez, who was utter dross and Reg unfortunately had his worst defensive outing in a Spurs shirt.

In spite of the manger once again pointing the finger at the players, I will repeat my same refrain. If you continue to leave out your best defender, then you get what you deserve. Sanchez only looks half decent when paired with Toby, left to his own devices or with an inexperienced partner, as in Rodon, he’s a chronic liability.

I also thought tactically that Mourinho left us too wide open in the last quarter, with Tanguy and Lo Celso tiring and was surprised he didn’t bring on another DM, such as Sissoko, to shore up the midfield defensively. Either way, Sanchez’s ‘Keystone Cops’ impersonation for their equalizer would have defied all defensive logic anyway.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

It’s actually quite scary…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

I’m just wondering if there’s another manager in the league that has so many ‘failure tokens’ to spend, based on what he won at completely different clubs in a different era.

I’m sorry, but the buck stops with the manager in virtually every job in world football. We know the issues we have, we know what our owners are, but this group of first team players are not the snowflake wasters they seemingly get billed as every time we fail to win.

I and others freely admit that we aren’t fans of the way we’ve been playing under Jose, even when win. However, wins are wins and three points is always the antidote to poor football.

It’s the inability Jose seems to have shown regarding consistency Also, it’s the sitting on leads that has handicapped us, more than anything else this campaign. Palace away was the beginning of becoming apparent

Despite sone of the issues the squad has, I fail to see how the management are utterly blameless in all of this. Perhaps people need to have a rethink about what the role of a manager actually is?

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

The forwards must be getting a little bit teed off with all their good work being undone by the shambles behind them.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Don’t even go there. Mid table mediocrity here we come.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

We’d be f*cked without Kane…

3 years ago

If Bale is on £300k a week then the 8 min’s he played works out at around £37.5k per min, No wonder he was smiling and laughing on the bench during the game. Vinicius is what exactly? Son to me looks like a player who has decided he is not renewing his contract and cannot wait to leave. I keep hearing in the press that the club is looking at selling Toby in the summer. He alongside Rodon are the only defensive CBs worth keeping. If Dier remains I give up! Joke club, joke owners, and a bunch of jokers wearing the shirt. Kane is excluded from that statement. He was magnificent yet again. Headed a corner away and bust every conceivable gut to race up the entire pitch and get onto a ball in the box that hit the post but could have won us the match. If he is leaving he is till wearing the shirt with pride. Mourinho and his side kick need to show similar energy on the touchline as well. They appear as lethargic as most of the players.Surely £15 million per year plus warrants at least that

Last edited 3 years ago by legoverlass
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