Good News & Bad News On New Stadium


This might be of use to some of you or none of you.

On a forum called Skyscraper City, which as you might guess is about all manner of architectural matters. Principally, big heavy  industrial stuff like er…skyscrapers, stadiums, railways, airports, that sort of thing.

A member of the forum wrote to David Keirle, chairman of KSS architects (original designers of the new WHL). Rather nicely, Mr Keirle replied!

The KSS stadium was always designed to be able to increase capacity, once the transport proposals had been proven. The bowl was design to accommodate this.

We are no longer working on the Stadium scheme and have not done so for a year.

I understand that Populous are designing a completely new stadium based around NFL and Football. I understand that their Stadium will be much higher and very different to our design, incorporating a large sliding pitch!

Work cannot start on any stadium until the CPO issues, which are still outstanding, are resolved and Spurs would have to apply for a new planning permission for a much higher Populous stadium and a stadium with a much higher capacity (65,000 in NFL mode, I understand). Not straight forward. I would think a start on site in the second half of 2014 is very challenging.”

So there you. Straight from the horses’. Or at least, a horses’.

