Home » Gold: Senior Spurs Figure Just Copped A Nasty Dose Of Daniel Levy’s Russian Roulette Man Management Style

Gold: Senior Spurs Figure Just Copped A Nasty Dose Of Daniel Levy’s Russian Roulette Man Management Style

By The Boy -

One moment you’re out of your office, the next, you’re out of office. According to reporter Alasdair Gold, Steve Hitchen has been thrown under the Levy bus for the greater good of ENIC.

If accurate, then the idea that Tottenham Hotspur’s CEO on-screen chumminess with Steve “I hate it” Hitchen was any more than wafer-thin appears ambitious at best.

While Hitchen was drawing up a list of prospective new coaches, Levy decided that he’d had enough of Hitchen and shipped in Paratici.

This is damning stuff to those of us not born yesterday. Paratici looks bound to be handicapped by Levy but probably happy to get a high-profile gig at all, in fairness.

One only needs to look at Paul Mitchell’s fate whilst at THFC to identify the role of a Director of Football. Am I wrong? Then where the hell is Conte, as Fabio is his old mucker.

Has the penny dropped yet?!

Tags conte Fabio Paratici

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3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmyg

What’s you definition of reality? Half empty glass? You do your fing and I’ll do mine

3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Juve done reasonably well whilst he was there. There will always be duds. And you’ve other things going on, do you think Hitchens has free reign, he’s probably got deals and Levy has undermined them and changed the parameters at last minute (as he’s done).

3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

Please sir get a grip on reality

at large
at large
3 years ago

Like all the others, Hitchen is expendable since he doesn’t know anything about real estate development, which is ENIC’s core business.

São Paulo Spurs
São Paulo Spurs
3 years ago

Hitchin, Baldini, Comolli, Arnesen…. the list goes on and on. Not to mention the long list of managers, interim managers and caretakers. Levy deemed them all not fit for purpose and has cast them all aside in his relentless pursuit for silverware.
I’m just really glad we have Levy, our one constant to keep us firmly on the path to glory.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

We are Tottenham tv trying to get hits with “Conte deal not dead”

F$%@#g mental. Seriously….this is a joke. Conte is NEVER coming. Never was, never will be. Are they on the ENIC payrole….they were at the forefront of the faux demo the other week. I’d say suspect.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago

I know I am in a minority but I didnt mind Hitchen after all the photographic evidence showed he was trying to get Skriniar.
Not Hitchen’s fault he was too dear

3 years ago

A DOF at Spurs is as pointless as tastebuds on an ar*rhole.

New topic maestro….

3 years ago
Reply to  matt

So you’d like him to leave allowing levy to carry on fkin it up? OK then

3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

In the current circumstances and at this particular football club, yes.

3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Do you honestly think he’s a pointless appointment? OK then!

3 years ago

Maybe they are dangerous.

3 years ago

Its like Rebrov but no Shevchenko

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

The car is off the track and in a ditch…

3 years ago

It reminds of when I was a kid and my mum would only buy me 2 banked curves for my scalextric. I tried to explain that it wouldn’t work but its difficult for a 5 year old to explain to an adult. My step dad chuckled and popped to the shop to get me the third.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

It’s like Levys having a daily competition to see what mess he can top with another mess. The parody is perpetual.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Absolutely. Pointless as a chocolate fire guard.

3 years ago
Reply to  Spurs47


3 years ago
Reply to  MikeJ

The ‘fall guy’ is a handy option for sure and in this scenario it probably has to be one of many a necessity for DL to hide behind but is it going to be sufficient? Is it really going to be enough to get through the current stormy weather safely and over to calmer waters? Some time back I said that the manager decision is critical and that doesn’t change one jot by playing musical chairs with the DOF’s. I think we can all see through that one. If we believe even a fraction of what is written about the current state of play regarding the hiring of a manager then Conte has left some pretty serious questions unanswered along with Jose and Poch. There’s a pile of rubbish building up in the back yard and it’s beginning to small a bit.

3 years ago

Paratici is a pointless appointment. The freebies are already being snapped up across europe. We missed the boat…… and no Conte. No point in Penfold without Dangermouse.

3 years ago

You always need a ‘fall guy’

3 years ago

For some people reading this blog the penny will never drop H. They are too far up Mr Levy’s arse and think that criticising him and enic is somehow criticising Spurs. If they had brains they’d be dangerous.

Jon N
Jon N
3 years ago

I think it’s quite a deep well H.

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