Home » Gold: Levy being ‘immediately tested’ as to ‘how much he’s willing to back’ Big Ange

Gold: Levy being ‘immediately tested’ as to ‘how much he’s willing to back’ Big Ange

By The Boy -

The adverse weather conditions in Bangkok could serve as an unwelcome metaphor for the mood inside the Tottenham camp these days as the all too familiar frustrations surface again.

Any feel-good factor of a new coach has to be supported by reason and so far Spurs have lost one game and been forced to abandon another.

The glaring issue of the West Ham loss was our backline and yet still there is no sign of the much-needed defenders that supposedly have been courted now for very many weeks.

What’s the hold-up, this time?

Alasdair Gold tells us that money is an issue, …it is also finance that appears to be slowing down their capture, which is not what anyone wants to hear. Will the reaction to the market’s naturally becoming dearer for summer activity wash? Gold says…

The grim reality is that this is likely to leave the CEO struggling to pacify fans.

On a regular basis, concerts and commercial deals are being announced, but what football fans see as the core business, the football, has stalled.

Many players in this squad should have been moved on, as they have failed to work out, but instead, they’ve been rewarded with extended contracts.

Loaning players has failed to improve them, and so it feels as if Postecoglou is staring at the same resources that got the last, what, four coaches sacked?

Big Ange said about his defense, “Yeah, I think that’s definitely our intention, absolutely. We’ve been working on it for a while and we’ll definitely try to get it done as quickly as possible,” and this was the first time that alarm bells began to ring out.

The Premier League starts on the 14th of next month, the window closes on the first, and his squad has spent more time travelling and making video appearances than it has playing football and getting used to the new coach’s methods.

Tick tock, Mr. Levy.


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