Gary Lineker’s Refugee Initiative Draws Extremely Mixed Reactions

Gary Linker is like most personalities in the public eye. Some folks instinctively believe the former Spurs ace to be a great guy, and some groan at the very sound of his name. In truth, we live in such strange times, it’s difficult to think of any public figures that are still universally respected. Everyone has someone out there that want’s them de-platformed, sacked or worse. Welcome to the Internet, a medium that man was never designed to use.

The Match of The Day star has been an outspoken voice for compassion via his social media account, specifically for the sort of refugees that have been arriving in the UK with increasingly regularity of late.

Lineker has been accused of virtue signalling, and presumably this move is either silence his critics, and/or allow him to fulfil his ambitions to help practically.

Personally, I wouldn’t even want a blood relative staying in my house for more than a night, and then only in an authenticated emergency.

Jean-Paul Sartre nailed it, ‘hell is other people’.

One can only wish Gary well taking in a complete stranger.

One refugee’s journey c/o The Express