Forget Dulux, Bray Wanderers Are Now Trolling Tottenham

I used to live a few streets down from Bray Wanderers football ground. Bray itself is an unpleasant little seaside town that boasts – even by Irish standards – more pubs than anyone might ever possibly have a need for.

My lasting memories are of the Hitchcockian crows that used to accumulate outside the Dart station in the mornings, some of them the size of small dogs, all hungry for whatever pickings the nearby chipper might yield once they had been about the business of ripping open the unattended bin bags.

Spurs trained there when over one time, before playing fellow Irish side St Pats. That was a tedious preseason friendly. St Pats didn’t segregate the fans and while the game was attended by lots of Irish Spurs fans, it had the atmosphere of a non-league Sunday cricket match. Oh, and the worst toilets I’ve ever been in. Worse than the Astoria on Charing Cross Road in the mid- 90s.

Dulux, you’ve got no fans.