Home » Fabrizio Romano Believes: In A Bold Move, Levy Finally Gets His Man

Fabrizio Romano Believes: In A Bold Move, Levy Finally Gets His Man

By The Boy -

After a month and a half of searching, Daniel Levy has finally secured the services of Fabio Paratici, who will, according to Fabrizio Romano and many other reliable sources, join Spurs next week as the Director of Football.

This is a bold move if, as suggested, Antonio Conte has bailed on the opportunity to work for Tottenham. By the same token, it looks well on Fabio who has surely been recruited in his own right.

That said, this could also fall apart as nothing, absolutely nothing has been vaguely confirmed and all the information in the public domain is from ‘sources close to’. In theory, Paratici could still bail.

What Spurs are left with here is another burnt-out car of a public relations fiasco, after a season that was already packed to the rafters with blunders and howlers that might be more at home on You’ve Been Framed.

Where do we go from here, because I think we’re snookered?

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East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Chelsea, Arsenal and Man U have all perfectly demonstrated what you are saying. Whilst the latter two had undoubted success, over a long period of the EPL era, in the end, when changes had to be made, both struggled to replicate that success, and still do today. Chelsea, on the other hand, seem to reinvent themselves every couple of years; continue to win the biggest trophies on a regular basis; and will, no doubt, continue to do so for the foreseeable future. If there’s a club for us to look at for a strategy that works; and it sickens me to say it, but it can be found in West London

3 years ago

I don’t mind admitting I would occasionally defend him against certain criticisms on this site, merely due to a perceived upturn in our prospects, through the Jol; AVB; Redknapp; Pochettino era. It has, however, become very clear over the past few years that he and his paymasters are parasites, sucking the life out of our club. And, whilst that would’ve become apparent to us all eventually, there’s no doubt that those contributing on this site have changed many a mind

3 years ago
Reply to  eddie

That’s the clear point here now. As you say, every one at the higher levels in European football know what they are dealing with now.

3 years ago

Very apt and poetic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Irish spur

Hahaha well said mate 😂👏🏾

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Rose tried to follow, actually can you blame him?! 🤔

3 years ago

We could do with a few experienced freebies from Italy Chelsea got silva better to have older defender that knows what he’s doing as opposed to headless chickens like Sanchez

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago

A little buffalo mozzarella Antonio?

3 years ago
Reply to  Irish spur

Spot on Irish. He is just an extension of the Spurs press office. They feed him lines to drip into the fanbase. His video last night is the first time I’ve seen the scales slightly shift from his eyes. I feel for him because he’s trying to look after his job and trying to balance that with being a Spurs fan. If he behaves like the real Spurs fan he is, he’ll lose his job. Levy is that pathetic and petty.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pablito
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Yes. They tore down our club and built some monstrosity in their own image.

3 years ago

Agree. I went as soon as we were described as the anchor tenant

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

Can we get Dino Zoff in as GK?

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

And Connolly, who used to get all his managers the sack!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  denzil

“Oh, you are awful….”

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Who knows what blandishments Conte was receiving from the bald one?

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Legoverlass

Yes, he’s quite a number, Levy, isn’t he? Now a billionaire, apparently, after destroying the dreams of the fans at a once big club.

3 years ago

Until the stadium and corporate boxes are mostly empty on match days we are going to be stuck with these odious parasites. Even then the TV money might be enough to keep the sh*ts hanging on. We need a complete collapse to relegation fodder and maybe relegation itself to even have a chance of ridding ourselves of this evil. It should never be the case fans have to hope their club fails so as to get rid of poisonous owners. That’s where we are now at.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pablito
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Indeed. Never has vindication been so depressing.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Yes, the abuse you’d get on this site from Levy apologists if you so much as dared to suggest that not everything was rosy in the Spurs’ garden. As well as jam tomorrow, there surely is (or ought to be!) plenty of the proverbial egg on faces!

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Another nail in the stadium myth is Ancelotti leaving Everton.
Posh new complex in the making to produce “next level” (what a joke) ….did Ancelotti care? No. He couldn’t give a toss and hopped off to Madrid.


Youre being conned like THFC , Arsenal and West Ham before you.

Irish spur
Irish spur
3 years ago

Right can someone pls tell me who the f–k is Alasdair Gold ..I’ve never heard so much shit from a lad who pretends to be in the know ..what I’m hearing from scoures..whet I’m hearing from the club..I’ve been digging around…shut up just shut up ..you know exactly what the rest of us know which us sweet f-all

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Legoverlass

Seems Kyle Walker who was considered not the brightest, was the most savy player of the lot. Jumping ship early. He knew.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

It was a mercy flirt from Antonio to get Levy some sales.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

It’s funny. H, you’ve gone from a pariah site with a handful of us “negative Gooners” to a refuge for all the livid Spurs fans who are now realizing they’ve been tucked up. Time A l w a y s tells.

3 years ago

No ENIC has a property portfolio with a small subsidiary called THFC which used to be a football club and will now regularly feature on the comedy channel.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

And if this guy comes in he will definitely be under orders to only source freebies,with Levy not understanding the difference in the MO’s in Italy.

These are the manoeuvers of a desperate man with his back against the wall trying to operate in a market where everyone he deals with knows exactly how incompetent he is regarding football matters.We’re all doomed I tell you,all doomed.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, in this day & age of instant news that anyone can post whether it’s true or not, we believe everything we read online. Because of this, we are constantly expecting to hire the best manager available, because someone said talks at an advanced stage. There’s no way Levy will hire an Englishman & this new fella might not know who Potter is. Having said that, we are now at a desperate stage but still need to look at the managers who we won’t need to buy out of a contract. Who will be available? Martinez, Benitez come to mind.

3 years ago

I’m sure you’re right about the money situation in Italy,but I’m not sure Eriksen going to Italy was money related.Although he was under valued at Spurs[who isn’t] I think he just wanted a new challenge after realising Levy was a charlatan.If i recall he wasn’t exactly inundated with offers from multiple suitors.

Plus i think by then Levy was just happy to get anything for him,because as usual he’d fcuked up the negotiations and dragged things out.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

I’m sure he’ll be texting his mates at Chavski and having a right giggle about it…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

The soul has been ripped out of the club. How on earth does anyone lose sight of the club’s ‘values’ after bulldozing hundreds of years of history? Surely you ensure that these values are retained more than ever?

i don’t think Levy cares, he’s only saying it now because he’s f*cked up…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

We’ve had three under Levy and what have we won?

3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

If Kane had any doubt about leaving, this latest debacle has surely made his mind up.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

A falling out with Levy is inevitable. It’s all so predictable.

mikezappa (via Flickr)
mikezappa (via Flickr)
3 years ago

I hope we get him and Paratici can save Spurs from the Paraciti

São Paulo Spurs
São Paulo Spurs
3 years ago

I’m not against a DoF. However, we have tried this before and it’s always ended badly. I don’t see why it would be different this time?
Klinsmann’s name has been mentioned today and I’m also not against this idea. If we sell Kane plus at least 8 others and use that money wisely. Make some astute signings. I can see that working nicely.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

I think this has finally broken the dam, looking at the avalanche of criticism from new names on the last few blogs. At last everyone can see what ENIC, Levy and Lewis are, clearly. No apologists, no ologists…no stadiums, no facilities, if, buts and” well, there will be jam tomorrows”…..it is UNDENIABLE.

They are liars. They are con artists. They’ve destroyed the club.

No argument. The end.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Another smokescreen. If there’s any truth to anything we’ve heard from the media about the negotiations with Conte – and I seriously doubt that, much like the Poch rumours -, he deserves respect for seeing right through Levy. More likely, we talked to his representatives and were told to do one with our talk of “projects” and “not expecting to win trophies”. Imagine telling a serial winner that and pretending it’s a perk of the job. Madness.

Nobody cares about projects these days. You come in, spend two or three years at a club (or less) and leave; what you achieve during that time is just that, no jam tomorrow. (Also, chairmen sign decent players continuously, so that the next guy doesn’t inherit a dysfunctional mess of a squad.)

Poch was an anomaly – he got over five years, which is an abnormally long period of time these days, during which we won nothing. He wasn’t backed so the project ended in tears – and that was our most successful coach in recent years! If he can’t make a project under Levy a winning one, what are the odds Potter or Parker will? Imagine us under them next season, but without Kane.

There is no “Tottenham way” under Levy; just the ENIC way, which only leads to one thing – abject failure.

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

DOFs can create havoc too, see Bayern and PSG and Barcelona.

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago

I think Conte was having a little bit of fun at Levy’s expense, seeing just how far he could push him with all his demands. Conte is on holiday, so a nice way to while away the days.

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

The way the frees work in Italy is you get mostly older types who get big signing on fess and bigger wages to make up for no transfer fee. The Italians have a different tax structure as well. Do you see Levy paying huge signing on fees and wages?

That’s precisely why Eriksen went to Italy.

3 years ago

It won’t make any difference, we’ll always just be linked with the top players thanks to enic’s spin machine, but we won’t get them. This now extends to managers apparently too!
We just get a cut price copy of a top player for a fraction of the price, like instead of Bruno Fernandez we get Lamela Mk2 in Lo Celso, or instead of Dybala we get Vinicious. Now Levy is doing the same thing with managers too. Does he think we’re stupid? He is so predictable it has become boring.

3 years ago

So at juve he found freebies I take it that is his job here. Not campos who was at lille who finds talent because you pay for them but freebies. As levy hits the billionaire mark in his bank account spurs have hit a all time low. No manager and a office guy searching for unwanted players.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Legoverlass

Spot on, we are a complete mess and it’s all down to you know who…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

it is my suspicion is that talks were never at an ‘advanced’ stage at all. The idea was probably sounded out between Spurs and his representatives and got no further than that…

3 years ago

It would seem the window dressing of a world class stadium and training facility holds little sway with either managers or players seeking football success. Both Conte and Kane know the reality with Levy and ENIC, Unfortunately for ENIC the smokescreen of appearing to want success has now been lifted and everyone can now see that these owners have just been selling a pipe dream of jam tomorrow for over 20 years whilst looking to squeeze every once of value out of the club’s assets and brands. That includes charging supporters season ticket prices comparable to clubs continually winning at the highest levels. As I have said previously Levy and ENIC are desperately seeking to slither back into the shadows behind another jam tomorrow 5 year project. That was the allure of bringing Pochettino back. He would have spun the same mantra as before having secured a long term contract and ENIC could concentrate on building non football related activities so that THFC became unimportant in the financial scheme of things. This was the aim of the ESL initiative. A project in which ENIC could scoop up massive amounts of income without any need to win anything. A veritable ENIC and Levy wet dream. Levy was one of the few chairman who could not even bring himself to apologise to the supporters when the ESL strategy was brought into the open.Let us just reflect that he sanctioned sacking Mourinho a week before the clubs only opportunity to win silverware in nearly two decades because he decided that saving compensation money to Mourinho was more important than delivering success to the supporters and players like Kane. Then he tried to effectively move the club away from its legacy supporters with the ESL debacle. He followed that up with the appointment of Ryan Mason as interim manager.The club indicate that a new manager will be in position before the season ends and one by one managers are approached and most turn down that approach down.All of this leads to a massive fall off in season ticket sales so Levy decides to spin some pr by pretending to go after Conte hoping this will generate season ticket sales before the deadline date of 3rd June. Immediately after that deadline date the club start releasing soundbites that the Conte deal has broken down. Forgetting the past twenty years of lack of football success the sequence of events over the last few weeks has completely destroyed the reputation of the club and its brand. What quality manager, player or sponsor will come near this toxic brand. What is the impact on the players we still have and their mindset for next season. Will any of this change Kane’s mind about leaving. It is a perfect storm of lies, incompetence and total narcissistic arrogance on behalf of Levy and ENIC. The jig is well and truly up. There is no going back to a new normal for Levy. There is no hiding place anymore for ENIC.

Last edited 3 years ago by Legoverlass
East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

This is clearly little more than a cynical PR move to attempt to take the heat off Daniel, Donna, Joe and all the others that probably have some explaining to do.

Levy’s is still taking everyone as fools, stop it mate, it’s embarrassing!

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Yep THFC has been turned from a football club into a property portfolio. I’m not supporting that.

3 years ago

How did Conte even let it get to ‘advanced talks’ when 10 mins is all it should take to Levy for the bluffer that he is.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

This is rapidly descending into another Frank Arnesen moment. Yet another false dawn in the 22 year ENIC con, of empty posturing and appointing people who you can eventually relive of their duties and blame.

not impressed with this at all, especially with Conte walking away, that is actually fairy damning of the whole set up at the club right now. Good luck to Conte, he clearly doesn’t want to work with amateurs… 🤔

3 years ago

chances are Levy would give the job Dick Emery

3 years ago
Reply to  Ian

World class facilities though.

3 years ago
Reply to  ClemFandango

And no ambition to win anything

3 years ago

Snookered is right. We can forget about an elite manager and a Howe or Potter won’t do much to lift the spirits. Anybody who takes it now will have been 4th or 5th choice and is going to be up against it from day 1. At this stage I think we could do a lot worse than consider Unai Emery

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

To me Sporting Directors, DOF’s are just head scouts with a different name. Unless they get a decent budget and the freedom to make what they think are the right calls, what’s the point?

3 years ago

And no striker or a very very unhappy one

Dancing barber
Dancing barber
3 years ago

It’s all working a dream. He recruits Pirlo and we extend Diers and Toby’s contracts and get Alli and Sonny to chase their bombs over the top.

Tottenham hurstspurs
Tottenham hurstspurs
3 years ago
Reply to  ClemFandango

and no money

and no stadium sponsor

3 years ago

He’s got his work cut out. We’re arguably only 5 or 6 weeks away from the start of pre-season and we have no manager and no sign of any activity on the transfer market.

Last edited 3 years ago by ClemFandango
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