Home » Different manager, same result – predictable Tottenham lose to Man City

Different manager, same result – predictable Tottenham lose to Man City

By Bruce Grove -

Tottenham lost the Carabao Cup this afternoon in what one can only describe as the most predictable final ever.

Jose Mourinho may well have been in charge for what we witnessed today.

It was total domination from Man City from the first to the last and they deserved their win. Tottenham offered up next to nothing, sadly.

The lads put the effort in but only in defending, there was no creative spark, no attacking intent, no vision, no ambition at all.

Whether Ryan Mason sent them out to play this way or whether the players just reverted to what has been hammered into them for the last 18 months, who knows but it really was a case of the same old same old.

To lose in a final 3-0 but having put up a hell of a fight is better than losing 1-0 after an abject surrender and we were served up the latter.

Tottenham is in a mess, on and off the field, and it is going to take a massive rebuild to get the club back competing at the highest level.

Today could have been so much better but it was what most of us predicted and the result at the end of the game was another loss and the wait for silverware goes on.

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Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Mason was silly to take the position, in truth.

3 years ago

Look at this season… How many times have defensive mistakes or poor fouls cost us goals, and/points? Mourinho has been unable to cut those out since the Leicester game on a consistent basis… it remains to be seen how much confidence Tanguy shows from now til end of season? That was our biggest game for some time, hes arguably our most creative midfielder & yet he never saw one minute of action….

3 years ago

Let me jump on ham/cb radio and see what they’ve gotta say. Lima tango 300 London station call

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

After 20 minutes, I wondered if we were going to create a new record for a final of not once getting out of one’s own half of the field (of course, we had already done so, but it didn’t seem like it!). Sutton, after about 35 minutes, said Spurs had had one corner and their fans certainly appreciated that!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

I think if he still had any doubts about moving on, I think this afternoon will have helped to dispel them! Arrivaderci, Harry!

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur


Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

It’s all just so desperately disappointing when you think of the highly promising team we had a few years ago achieving a consistency in the league over a number of seasons not seen since 1963; it was all squandered as ENIC concentrated on building an outlandishly extravagant stadium and the funds were not made available either to provide that extra player or two that could have turned us into genuine champions or to arrest decline when the first cracks started to appear. Daniel and Joe, I loathe you both. Thank you so much for ensuring some of us won’t live long enough now to see Spurs ever crowned champions.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Ndom coulda scored a brace though🌚 there is no way winks was

Last edited 3 years ago by Tappaspur
James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

In the end would have made no real difference. Any fan picking apart the game and blaming the players or Ryan Mason are falling for Levy’s game of, “Find the Lady or Three Card Monte.
He is the one with the major responsibility in this.
He’ll shuffle the pack in the summer with a new manager and most of us will fall for it again thinking it will turn out right this time. Not without major investment it won’t. Not without quality players it won’t. Not without top scouts it won’t.

3 years ago

Europa League’s probably gone. At least we won’t be humbled by some team from somewhere like Macedonia next season.

3 years ago

Anyway that’s finished now. We lost. Who’s next

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Levy is a snivelling little wretch. He doesn’t take responsibility for anything, including this debacle.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  CowSpurs

I like the bit about Villa,Newcastle, Everton fans, too, all likely to be left even further behind by wretched ESL.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Please, don’t go blaming Ryan Mason. Blame the person who put him there.

That was a cowardly, shameless thing to do.

3 years ago

City are a well oiled machine though ain’t they. Winks over ndom, I can’t get me nut round it

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Zspur

Too, too,TRUE! Absolutely spot on!

3 years ago

unfortunately Kane needs to go which sound outlandish to say but it’s the second time he’s not be right for a final but we’ve played him. We are the Harry Kane team and it hurts us as the side plays to fit him.

3 years ago

Ryan Mason I’m a little disappointed in but I don’t blame him at the same point.
he has done what he’s been told and do what he needs to nurse a lame horse back home.
pits a shame I would have liked him to try something rather than be in the Levy cliche.
It may have hurt his career to manage the big teams in the future.

3 years ago

rather than analyse the game, I think there is a more simplistic analysis of Spurs.

Club that has flittered around average for years stumbles on one of the best players in a generation and gets lucky with some other youngsters coming through. Then gets lucky by hiring one of the best up and coming managers in world football. After many attempts it should be said.

However, rather than back the manager in this once in a generation moment, the club is more interested in vanity projects and merch.

After this manager takes this squad to a Champions League final, on a shoe string, we sack him when the cracks in the squad start to appear.

So let’s bring in the football equivalent of Darth Vader in, whose footballing philosophy would make the Death Star fall asleep. Predictably it goes wrong. And now after having lost our manager of a generation, we will predictably lose our player of a generation.

The point I am making is, step back from the noise, and Aurier, Regs, Winks, Alli, and even Mourinho are not the problem. It is the idiot that decided to wait out naming rights in his vanity project until we became the abject crap we are today. He is hopeless, and needs to be replaced. Bye bye Mr Levy!

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt


3 years ago

A grim day where fans are ‘happy’ it was only 1-0. I can only hope that within 3 years, Kane and Son aside, that there will not be one player who started today who will be in our first XI. Kane and Son have to leave for themselves and good luck to them. It looked like Son has already left to be fair!

There has been a big love-in for Hojbjerg, but he isn’t a footballer I can appreciate that much. He is all work rate, which just shows how embarrassing our players are, because Hojbjerg stands out due to this alone. What he lacks is technical ability. His decision to pass to an overlapping Reggie was as bad as his technique too. In those moments you have to deliver. Is that harsh? Not if you want to win trophies.

There is a long, hard journey ahead for us fans. If Spurs was my wife I would have divorced her years ago. With the right investment and recruitment we can come back in to the competitive fold. I won’t hold my breath though with Levy in charge. He has failed for 20 years and I can only see him being at the helm for the next 20.

The ESL, according to Perez, is not over. Levy must be clinging to that thread as he had a free ‘Get out of jail card’. That elusive stadium sponsor would have followed to go along with the supposed £300m coming every teams way and it would have been Spurs’ turn to compete with all of them.

The ESL is inevitable, whether pundits and celebrities agree with our involvement is of no concern to me. We, as fans of this sh*t show, deserve better. 20 years of gruel under ENIC has been hard to take. But Newcastle’s, Villa’s and Everton’s fans deserve better too. We are not entitled to win trophies, but how can we seriously sit at the top table without pedigree like Utd, City, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool? Levy has sold Perez an absolute blinder, akin to the Emperor’s New Clothes story. Listening to Micah Richards and others saying Spurs don’t deserve it is funny, as his City side were a no mark club for years until they were bailed out by dodgy Asian money, given a free stadium and then funded by a country. Same for Chelsea, and Utd until the Prem saved them.

Today could have been better, but even if we had won, it would not have papered over the crumbling rot that we have had to endure for decades.

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago

On the credit side the only goal was from a set piece all the times they cut through us were off target or saved.
Not too bad a performance (only saw 2nd half) but I am getting sick and tired of us being losers.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

One shot on target.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago

An entirely predictable result and it could have been a lot worse. I love the way City play football, quick feet, inter passing at speed, great positional awareness. Foden will become a massive star and cost them nothing. What can I say about our club except to reiterate the many comments below. We are a complete mess on and off the pitch and failing to sign any new players in two windows has made our position appreciably worse. I thought Lloris was our best player, Son our worst. He bottled a challenge in the 64th minute and was generally pathetic. He was probably blubbing at the end because he saw the chances of a lucrative transfer to a big club vanishing after that miserable performance. We always had a chance whilst they hadn’t scored, given the amount of chances they missed, but when I saw Lo Celso and Moura hooked, whom I thought were our two best outfield players to be replaced by Sissoko who lost Laporte for the goal and the invisible Bale, I knew we were doomed. I was hoping Mason would have had the bottle to take off Son, our worst player and Winks and to bring on N’dombele and any other, but he made the predictable choice. I can see why Zidane doesn’t fancy Reguilon, he’s poor defensively and his feigning injury is an embarrassment. Aurier’s crossing was poor and inevitable a needless foul led to their goal. Hasta la vista Harry, it’s been good knowing you.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Pablo


3 years ago

It says something when in a final you say dier played well. One of our worst players had to be son. Poor in possession, disturbing the ball and offered little or no threat at all. The subs were strange to say the very least felt like they were being made by the chairman. Taking off one of the few players to show any threat for sissoko was way beyond my thinking. Mason showed here a his inexperience. Kane ran but never looked 100 % fit but still offered more than winks or son. A result we all expected with a performance we have got sadly used to.

3 years ago


Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Now lost our last four finals plus a runners up in the league – 15 finishes in the top four (ie first four in the league or last four in any of the cup competitions) since we last lifted a trophy.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Yes, I gather Aurier was decent today up until then. But that’s the point, isn’t it? A mistake in the end that contributed to our defeat. So many of our players just go on making the same mistakes; most of them simply aren’t GOOD ENOUGH!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

I had a strong hunch,too, that Jose was going to win that trophy (probably that would have been it!) and to sack him a week before the final when he might have pulled a rabbit out of the hat quite unbelievable. I think whatever chances we had today probably did disappear with his sacking; certainly, I was rather less confident.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark

He didn’t seem to want to run at them today

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Dino

Chris Sutton saying it made no sense to sack Mourinho a week before the final. Agreed.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Some grit defensively but no creativity and a fairly non existent threat we posed up front. Listening now to Ryan,interestingly, he sounds, somehow, more like a cricket or rugby captain!

3 years ago

Son’s performance was criminal. Why do we get to the final third of the pitch and then pass it all the way back to lloris. Put it in the box ffs

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

I fully expected Jose to get that trophy, whatever it meant…..but then a bald business genius sacked him during cup final week. Utter lunacy.

3 years ago

Run around like mike reed

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Simply only in the final cos of the ridiculous previous rounds. Don’t deserve a cup. Will never win a cup again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Impossible to disagree

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

The one consolation, as far as I’m concerned, is that, to a degree, winning the league cup would also have annoyed me: a rather minor consolation after losing the CL Final and having several high finishes in the league and, even, for that matter, having lost several FA Cup semi-finals.

3 years ago

I admit (like most, I suppose) I wasn’t expecting we’d lift that trophy today. But if that bunch of jokers think that dross was remotely acceptable in a cup final, in front of fans then god fkn help us.

3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Moura was our biggest threat so Mason took him off… what that game needed was Tanguy…I expected him on after 60 minutes, be opted for Sissoko instead & as for bringing on Bale…against decent opposition that was never going to work..although he’ll likely do well against Sheff Utd. There is no way Mourinho would have selected that midfield, but Mason will get off lightly as he had ‘too little time’ to largely do anything Mourinho wouldnt.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

I hope so. He deserves success.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Reggy was given the run around by Mahrez, I gather.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

He didn’t do that well at Chelsea, did he, so what kind of chance has he got with us? Not much, I would have to say.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

I suppose we showed some grit today but anything but a win for Man City would have been a travesty (I’d have taken it, though!). I reckon HK will have had his mind finally made up this afternoon and will be asking for a move. This season has surely confirmed for him that Spurs are regrettably going nowhere.

3 years ago

Sarri is still the betting favourite to be next manager – it’s scary.

3 years ago

A few good moments from Lucas, Lloris (even the central defenders). Reggy & Twinks were particularly poor. Aurier was very decent up until his trademark giving awa a free-kick that led to a goal. Management subs decisions – poor

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

Tottenham is in a mess, on and off the field, and it is going to take a massive rebuild to get the club back competing at the highest level.

Its prized assets will be off. Kane must leave for the sake of his own sanity.

3 years ago

Pish poor in attack – what little there was.

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