Home » Different breakfast same Tottenham rubbish being spouted by the media

Different breakfast same Tottenham rubbish being spouted by the media

By Bruce Grove -

Today I fancied a toasted fried egg sandwich. Usually, I have Weetabix or something similar but I thought I would try something different today because change is as good as a break I have been told.

I settled down with my unhealthy brekkie and started my morning round up of Tottenham news in the mainstream media. I thought there might be something new, something fresh, something positive about the new manager search and Harry Kane’s future. Boy, was I disappointed.

Different breakfast, same old media crap.

Where have I heard similar comments previously?

So, Kane has dropped the biggest HINT yet that he is leaving Spurs and Brendan Rodgers will not leave Leicester City for a failed Tottenham job.

Nothing new there then.

Fans hate Levy and want him out, the witless THST is still demanding all sorts despite the fact they are one of the weakest fans groups around.

We have been linked with some new players but they are all in need of a Danny Rose Google search and will cost not much more than, well, a fried egg sandwich.

Yup, nothing new this morning, just the same rubbish that gets spouted day in day out. I knew I should have stuck with my Weetabix.

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3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Pripyat Pickles!

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  BobbytheBrain

Nothing to learn, he knows it all.

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  OrganicPaper

😆 the purple ones might be Ukrainian

3 years ago
Reply to  BobbytheBrain

Yes I agree, very good recruitment. I think one or the strands to this is that the owners understand what type of club they are. That is to say a club on the rise but realistic about what they can likely achieve. They didn’t allow themselves to get carried away when they won the title and just kept to their script. I’ve a lot of respect for how they operate.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

I only eat alliterative pickles

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  MitchellThomas

Kevlar underpants at the ready

3 years ago

I’ll say one thing about Leicester. They are a well run club and continually punching well above their weight. Their recruitment is spot on; Tielmans, Castagne, Fofana, Evans, Maddison even Ihenacho is now hitting his straps. None of these players cost a fortune. Going back a little further in time add in Kante, Drinkwater, Mcguire etc – all sold for massive profit. Their academy produces players that break into and stay in the 1st team. Levy could learn a thing or two from the Thai owners.

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  OrganicPaper


Sweet potato fritter things, Persian flatbread, and polish pickles!

3 years ago

I had the most awful thought last night, and I’m so sorry in advance for sharing with you, but for a moment i thought ‘Now, who’s out of work, has prem experience, oh no, I hope Levy is not lining fat Frank up’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Looks like an ideal paring for a cold glass of Valserrano Rioja blanco just to hit peak pretentiousness.
And yes, for breakfast 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

You’ll need ass-bestos

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

Oh very nice

3 years ago
Reply to  MitchellThomas

Yep, can’t beat the comfort of it all sliding down your ‘cakehole’! Us Spurs fans need comforting too!

3 years ago
Reply to  MitchellThomas

My grammar is bad enough for the Guardian I think!

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

I’m a poached egg man (6 mins) on crispy toast with unsalted butter and rosemary leaves washed down with a nice mug of tea.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

I’m surprised there are candidates for the job. Certain players need to start clearing out their lockers. That’s the first step on the road to recovery. If they ask why send a video of the last Europa league game to em.

3 years ago

I wonder has there been an approach for Rodgers? He seems to be ruling himself out of a race that he may not have been in anyway. He likes to talk does Brendan. I’ve a great relationship with my players and the board blah blah; every manager does until results start going south. We shall see how sustainable his project is when the big boys come looking for his star players.

The Boy
3 years ago

I’ve sent in my weekly application. Still no reply…

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  MitchellThomas

Sriracha mayo!

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Did you get this at the THFC Shopping Centre?

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

I mean I’d probably go for it on a first date to impress then regret the garlic and chickpea combination later on (though not as much as my potential paramor would)

3 years ago

There was a greasy spoon 2 mins from Fulham Broadway tube station that purveyed the best fried ggg sandwiches I’ve ever tasted. Used to frequent there in my youth whilst waiting for ‘the man’.

Even the Athletic appear to have given up on Spurs. They haven’t posted an article for days. We’re in purgatory at the minute and, as OrganicPaper has pointed out, everyone is losing sight of the fact WE HAVE 5 MATCHES LEFT.

5 more chances to see if Winks will turn round and round in so many Scottie Parker circles he’ll disappear up his own a*se

Last edited 3 years ago by MitchellThomas
3 years ago
Reply to  Delmooreio

Me Ma always told me that Black Pudding was pigs blood, White Pudding was ‘everything else off the butchers floor’

Darn tasty that everything else, I’ll tell you

3 years ago
Reply to  OrganicPaper

Sir clearly had a side dish of ‘reality’ with his cheeky Nandos Carb-Fest.

If you will insist on expressing such sensible sentiments, you’re clearly going to destroy any future career in Journalism my man.

Well said.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Irish sausages with black and white pudding please!

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  OrganicPaper

Perfect storm of misery – pass me another jacket potato

The Boy
3 years ago

Breakfast of pretentious champions
comment image

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

I had rice and chips with my “cheeky” Nando’s the other day. Totally flamboyant and decadent carb feast and I feel only a slight pang of shame about that.
Appears we are in another THFC info vacuum, the kind that prompts the sports journalists to regurgitate their bland nonsense with the occasional sprinkling of added bull s**t to keep the copy fresh.

I’m preoccupying myself with anxiety about the actual football we still have to play this season, I’ll move on to being anxious about our Manager and the Kane situation later, when we can see just what we are working toward next season.

3 years ago

It’ll be groundhog day from now until the first day of next season.

The Boy
3 years ago

“Would you like some carbs with those carbs, sir?” 😆

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