Danny Rose Riles A Good Few Fans With His Latest Incendiary Interview

Danny Rose has opened his heart to the press again, and as per his previous foray into back page exclusives, the repercussions will continue to play out, until he’s no longer at the club.

Rose is now 29 and clearly senses that there are limited options ahead of him, certainly as far as the Premier League is concerned.

Rose’s first big media splash came via an interview with The Sun back in 2017. Danny felt ‘under-valued and misunderstood’.

Interestingly, it was in that exclusive that England regular first announced that he only had one big contract in him.

Now, Rose has laid out his position in the most blunt terms.

Sky Sports

Generally speaking, fan reaction has not been kind. This sort of outburst is not one routinely experiences at top flight clubs.

What Rose has said about his situation simply adds more weight to the imponderable “…what is wrong at Tottenham?” question.

These fan responses are representative of the discord that surrounds Spurs right now.