Home » Daniel Levy Plotting Bold Move In N17|images

Daniel Levy Plotting Bold Move In N17|images

The Corner Pin public house was a part of the football landscape at 732 on the High Street until 2010 when it was provisionally closed to make way for a temporary ticket office for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.

The pub will be called Beavertown Corner Pin and like all modern versions of a pub, is unlikely to appeal to the mob that I used to see in there on match days. There will be an outside space and numerous corporate opportunities for fans to avail of.

In a post COVID-19 environment I would have to describe this as an extremely bold move.

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3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

And let’s hope you stay away.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  DannyG

Lets hope Jose’s football in the flesh doesn’t bore the pance off everyone! 😂

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Yes buildings like that are important to keep for the history of the area. Bringing them back to their former glory is what regeneration is about for me. I think it’ll be pretty popular to be honest. I think we’ll see fans back at the stadium in a few months, perhaps for a few games at the end of the season.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  DannyG

In just pleased they aren’t flattening it! After getting rid of Bill Nic Way anything could happen. Pleased it’s staying, had a few in there in the past.

3 years ago

Will be nice to pop into the pin for a jar again. Get that old flat top working again. Early 1800s boozer. They’ve started working on the 1600s building DIAL house (next door to the stadium) all that back bit is gonna be nice.

3 years ago

When we can go back to the stadium I’d like to pay this place a visit. I’ll give it a go. I like a Neck Oil and a Gamma Ray.

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