Commendable Daftness

That would be a great name, wouldn’t it? Who was Commendable Daftness? My best guess would have been a Victorian pioneer for the Foreign Office. In the field of something or another. Had it not been for the incident.

A name to rival that of the master butcher, Icarus Hines. One to better Endeavour Morse.

The suggestion is that Poch will play Vorm against Sheffield United tomorrow.

This is football. He made two big saves against Leicester. His attitude is fantastic and nothing has changed.

We have full confidence in him. In one action he conceded a goal. He made a mistake. Every player can make a mistake, we must give him support and confidence.

I think it should be normal to play Michel. This is football. He had a good performance.”

We suffered this ‘showing the player respect’ business before, under AVB.

I wanna cup.

Gimme a cup.