Home » Chairman Daniel Levy sheds light on Tottenham’s future plans heading into next season

Chairman Daniel Levy sheds light on Tottenham’s future plans heading into next season

By Eddie Razo -

The 2021-22 Premier League season is about done, and Tottenham Hotspur is on the verge of clinching a top-four finish should Arsenal slip in their last two matches. 

Nonetheless, what many supporters are curious to see is whether or not Spurs will back manager Antonio Conte financially. The Italian tactician isn’t afraid to walk away if a club isn’t ready to invest signifcantly. 

Nonetheless, it seems as though the north London club is ready to put forth the money to improve the squad regardless in what European competition they play next season. 

Chairman Daniel Levy has told Tottenham supporters the club “will continue to support investment” in the first team, per Sky Sports. The Spurs executive added that the Premier League side is “well-positioned to move forward next season” regardless of which European competition they are playing in.

Levy also pointed to success in improving their recruitment and said everyone at the club feels the desire and perseverance to see success on the pitch. In over a decade, Tottenham hasn’t won a trophy, and Conte is their best shot to end that drought. 

The attitude at the north London club has dramatically improved since the hiring of the 52-year-old, who will meet with Levy at the end of the season to discuss future plans. 

Tags Antonio Conte daniel levy NewsNow Tottenham Hotspur

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at large
at large
2 years ago

This is the typical stuff Sales and Marketing departments put out that doesn’t promise anything, usually what McKinsey or whatever strategy consultant ENIC hired to keep the wolves at bay. Bottom line – Conte has an 18month contract for a reason.

Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

Maybe the Advanced ST sales aren’t going as well as expected..Levy lies to get what he wants ..

Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

Prefer glue and Velcro as a base for wild untamed eyebrows.

Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

This is one of my points the market should determine a players worth..not the Chmn. If we sell before we buy everyone knows how much we have to spend.so it’s not really a surplus is it …look at the dross bought when clubs knew we had the Bale money..

England Mike
England Mike
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Tonsils

What about tattooed eyebrows 😆

England Mike
England Mike
2 years ago

It’s quite a simple situation, Conte will have made his intentions clear in what players he wants in and which he wants out including those already on loan. Levy could well be happy enough with European qualification from Conte knowing he will have enough interest from other coaches to con should he need one.

2 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Just ask Harry Kane….

2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Tonsils

Buying before selling means you have surplus and you can give them away for free. Not that they worth much in the first place. your argument in that regards make less sense. We will not have a problem selling players if the prices are adjusted to where they should be. For jnstance, Winks is not worth $25M, but that will be is going price. $18M and he is out the door. If Stevie B is be sold to a Dutch team, their economy will fetch less than $20m. Fact! We tend to take French and Portuguese players for one, but hardly sell our players to them. That is bad trade policy by all the clubs. So the selling market for over priced players are not there by comparison to English club buying in other leagues and paying a fortune with the crazy clause.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul
East Stand
East Stand
2 years ago

Whatever Levy discusses and ‘agrees’ with Conte in the summer, I fully expect him to eventually go back on his word, as he has done with every manager we’ve ever had. Any agreement is a carefully constructed negotiation based on lies and false promises…

2 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

What I’d like him to say is,
I have had great and detailed conversation with my Director of Football and the Manager.
We have come up with a plan that will look to build on what we have leant this year.
We will look to build a competitive team that over then next few years will be able to compete on all fronts and that the club and manager’s vision for the future is unified.
Following this I would like to inform you the fans that in consultation with Antoni we are activating the one year extension to his contract to show that all parties are committed to this course of action.

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

By the time we sell the deadwood (some of it unsellable) there will be nobody decent left. Which is what we do wrong every year. Other successful clubs buy and sell at the same time, we are the 8th richest club in the world but obsessed with “pwudence”. The Spurs PR dept. has done a very good job of convincing most Spurs fans that we’re skint and can’t afford decent players, it’s a sham.

Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago

Barring leaving money in the deposit account for 2 or 3 months AND THEN BUYING DROSS. I have never understood the sell before you buy policy. It basically means that our competitors in the EPL and across Europe can prevent us buying anyone we really need by not purchasing any of our players or stringing us along intimating they will buy with no intention of doing so.
I would argue buying before you sell adds value to the outgoing players signifies to them that playing opportunities will be less and shows interested parties that a deal can be done..and yes they may go for less than the Kappelmeister wants , then again as we have got some of our targets in they may go for more, but that’s the market …
Of course this does depend on total spend but nonetheless we need to steal a march on our competitors .
Should receive decent money for LoCelso or player swap from the CL semi finalists.
I still think there is a player in Gil .Gollini will return to Italy, Kulu and Romero will stay ..
NDembele is of course the problem ..hopefully he can go on loan somewhere if not buy him out of his contract ..just can’t have bad attitude around the place.

Last edited 2 years ago by Billy Tonsils
Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Tonsils

I stand corrected – even worse!

Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago

Pinocchio Surgery ..all the rage with the rich and powerful…

Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago

3 transfer windows everyone forgets the winter one..

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

There was a lack of investment for 518 days when Poch was in charge, 2 transfer windows without a signing, a world record. Now conveniently forgotten by many. Levy has been trying to play catchup ever since, badly. As you say he has spent money but mostly on duds. He’s a market trading spin doctor out to line his own pockets. His sole ambition is to finish 4th each season on minimal outlay.

Last edited 2 years ago by Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Spot on. I think the biggest problem has been poor player purchases and Levy’s reluctance to take a loss on them when it’s realised they aren’t good enough. How many duds have Liverpool bought in recent years? Probably none. Compare and contrast.

2 years ago

Basically funds will be available if we sell the deadwood. But will we be able to shift these players and at the value Levy sees them at? Probably not. So next season we’ll probably have the likes of Ndombele back training with the squad.

2 years ago

Easy to get your knickers in a twist about this one guys, but what do you expect him to say? “Yes there is precisely £150m to spend and Antonio has a blank cheque book to do with as he pleases” – that would be nice, but not Levy’s MO is it.

Has there been a lack of investment in recent windows? I’m not sure, feels more like our main problem has been buying duds. Imagine buying 3 players every window that had the same impact as Romero, Kulu and Bentancur.

Levy needs to stop wasting money, predominantly by staying the hell out of it and not trying to take punts on losers he thinks might have sell on value.

Archibald&Crooks (SC)
Archibald&Crooks (SC)
2 years ago
Reply to  Markp

Go for the 10 minute record

2 years ago

Typical meaningless words cobbled together by the PR dept which tell us nothing actually.No specifics and bo details,typical Levy.He won’t pull the wool over Conte’s eyes.

2 years ago

All generic nothings in that statement.
Where is the intent.
Also babbled on about the stadium being new ffs.
How last summer was tough but not who’s making that was.
No real ambition in any of it just wriggle room.

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago

Heard it all before, Levy is a serial liar – I’m surprised his nose hasn’t grown to a foot long.

2 years ago

Yes, but note that Levy didn’t give any specific assurances regarding recruitment or any indication of elevated spending, such as to match Conte’s ambition, merely a non-committal, generalised, statement, “we will continue to support investment”. Which of course can mean whatever Levy wants it to mean!

So the only guarantee that Levy will back Conte is that he doesn’t want and cannot afford to lose him, from any viewpoint, not least the blowback that would hit Levy from the supporters if Conte resigned because of the club’s (read Levy’s) lack of ambition. Hence, knowing Levy, the formula he will follow, is how to spend the least money without Conte resigning!

2 years ago

Holding my breath in 3,2,…………..

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