Bring Me The Jowls Of Harry Redknapp

Nothing to make one wince so severely as an intellectual deadbeat pointing out the bleedin’ obvious.

The trick of course is to exercise self control upon one’s feeds, be discriminatory in the respect of who bothers your brain.

Were that not the case, then none of us would have locks upon our doors and windows, would we?

Or do you live in some weird existence whereby random nut-jobs are able to wander into your front room, upon which you raise a glass and mumble, “Ah, hail fellow well met!”, because you’re also as weird as they come.

Harry Redknapp gushed to BBC 5 Live’s Sportsweek programme:

“I honestly think Tottenham were better two years ago when Kyle Walker was playing right-back and absolutely on fire, Danny Rose was in his pomp absolutely flying and Dembele was top drawer.

“They were absolutely incredible then. Rose has had his injuries and has not been quite the same, Walker obviously moved on and Dembele has moved on.

“If they bring in two or three outstanding players in the summer, certainly they will be challenging again next year, maybe good enough to win it next year if they get the right players in. But it’s all about the players they bring in.”

In the first instance, this is from the clown that THREW a 13 point lead over Arsenal because in the splendid isolation of his shrivelled, avaricious walnut that passes as his brain, he thought he was going to be the next England manager.

Harry, you were fired from Spurs via Skype.

Birmingham City and QPR fans still openly weep in the street whenever they think about your fleeting yet horribly diseased influence upon their clubs.

Another bonafide charlatan.