Home » Bring Me The Jowls Of Harry Redknapp

Bring Me The Jowls Of Harry Redknapp

By The Boy -

Nothing to make one wince so severely as an intellectual deadbeat pointing out the bleedin’ obvious.

The trick of course is to exercise self control upon one’s feeds, be discriminatory in the respect of who bothers your brain.

Were that not the case, then none of us would have locks upon our doors and windows, would we?

Or do you live in some weird existence whereby random nut-jobs are able to wander into your front room, upon which you raise a glass and mumble, “Ah, hail fellow well met!”, because you’re also as weird as they come.

Harry Redknapp gushed to BBC 5 Live’s Sportsweek programme:

“I honestly think Tottenham were better two years ago when Kyle Walker was playing right-back and absolutely on fire, Danny Rose was in his pomp absolutely flying and Dembele was top drawer.

“They were absolutely incredible then. Rose has had his injuries and has not been quite the same, Walker obviously moved on and Dembele has moved on.

“If they bring in two or three outstanding players in the summer, certainly they will be challenging again next year, maybe good enough to win it next year if they get the right players in. But it’s all about the players they bring in.”

In the first instance, this is from the clown that THREW a 13 point lead over Arsenal because in the splendid isolation of his shrivelled, avaricious walnut that passes as his brain, he thought he was going to be the next England manager.

Harry, you were fired from Spurs via Skype.

Birmingham City and QPR fans still openly weep in the street whenever they think about your fleeting yet horribly diseased influence upon their clubs.

Another bonafide charlatan.

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Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

I am not sure he was. Memory is a fical thing though

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Think he was a little better regarded than that

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Poch was the same as Eddie Howe. Doing well at a lower club, willing to try to push on.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

We attracted Poch didn’t we?

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

I think there are others I would consider, but Simone would be my first choice. Not so sure about the guy at Leeds, he not done a lot but shake it up a bit. Still not setting the Championship alight. End of the day, if we lose Poch, we would only get a manager from a low club that fancies his chances at a top club and willing to not have money, and considers trophies as something to get in a future job.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Me too

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Young managers want ambition. So you think we (recent history) are showing enough to attract a top manager?

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

If I had a choice of either I would go simone…personally.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

I would argue the most sought after manager in Europe is Poch! So..

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Well apart from the fact that i was only talking about my personal preference of managers..


Getting one requires a yearly salary in the low millions and winning the other requires long term investment in the hundreds of millions.

Which do you think is more doable?

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Spurs fans happy to accept this state of affairs (and for a few years after some bad times it was a perfectly acceptable stance in my view), should ask themselves whether they want to become a minor club permanently (Villa and Newcastle are perhaps examples of this and the likes of Sunderland and Sheffield Wednesday most certainly are) or to become a GENUINE leading player again.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

OM i did start this out by saying they were the only managers I WOULD be interested in and went on to say that regardless baldy would nause it up. There’s a couple of A list models who are the only women I would be interested in replacing my wife, catch my drift..

5 years ago
Reply to  John

It has been pretty mediocre fare much of this term with our scraping results and the hope was that we might find some real form eventually. There was a brief spell before Christmas when we played some nice stuff, the obvious highlight being the 6-2 demolition job on Everton at Goodison.

5 years ago

Harry made his own bad luck that “Harry for England” year allowing his vanity to be tickled instead of concentrating on business. I just KNEW Chelsea would complete our misery and win the CL; when it went into extra time, I called it perfectly telling a relative Chelsea will probably win this on penalties! Yes, a penalties win against the Germans! But then things are rather different at CLUB level; Bayern have form for outplaying English teams on the night (remember also European Cup finals against Man Utd and Villa)and yet LOSING. I seem to remember Hamburg also being the better team in another European Cup final and losing to Forest.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Simone could make the money and win stuff if he made himself available. Chelsea would sack their manager right now if Simone asked them too. United would want him too. Bayern are not too fond of Kovac right now. Money talks, but Levy not even offering more of that.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Just be careful of the SPurs fan trap…Winning CL “anything can happen” could be bollocks, but somehow being able to sign the most sort after manager in Europe is not.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Oh right, no worries.

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Talking sense Paul .

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

I read neither! But i have now and understand. Completely unrelated to you OM, i was thinking about the full scale nonsense i was reading on on other spurs related bloggins this morning.

5 years ago


Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

did you read what he wrote before you read my comment about “anything is possible”?

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

I think money talks – after all Pochs heap big Brave talk everyone was saying the same thing, yet he ended up sucking satan’s cock like a good little choirboy, for the money. That’s the sad brilliance of Levy’s ways, he realise he could save hundreds of millions by making the only signing he needed, Poch, for a lot less than needed to be spent on players.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Ha – so you think he would work under the current model do you? You really think a guy with the stock of Simone would come to us on a limited budget to be kneecapped each time we get close to winning something? As for the Real argument, would not be first person to swap sides of the city. I doubt he would though, but stranger things and all that. as for Juve, they want to spend money at the moment, I don’t know where its all come from, but I think they could be the first side to have 2 managers at their rate. Not to mention I think Allegri could end up moving soon.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

OM you understand that as the long standing manager of athletico MADRID Simeone could not and will never go to Real Madrid. And he’s not going to Juve either, they are perfectly happy with what they have and doing very well. He would come to us because his wages would be quadrupled and Levy would still make a saving.

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

Is there an echo in here?

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Yeah, but we are talking about the fan base not just buying it, but accepting it…then paying more than they have ever paid for it. I was fine with that approach 4-5 yrs ago, but seeing us so close, needing just a little invested the right way…Think about it 2yrs ago we spent £70m and not one of those players are regular first teamers, not one has improved even our match day squad…if that had been on 1 player rather than 3 we potentially would have a player that would pick the team up in games like the last 3.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me


Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

4th Reich?

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  Harry Hotspur

It’s one hellava story. Your establishment sucks balls.

5 years ago


Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago

Gonna wear my MAGA hat as well.

5 years ago
Reply to  Harry Hotspur

Our gifted manager is in danger of converting himself into a loser if he goes on accepting things as they are.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

I wish you are right, would be a lovely memory. Sorry for your loss.

I had a debate with another Spurs fan this weekend about or CL chances. I got told I was too negative as we are still 2 competitions that we can win. Personally I almost cried laughing, but of the 2, the CL we only have 6 games left to win it? I know it sounds nuts, but stranger things have happened!

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

The stadium, the expectation management, the manager who accepts the budget restrictions, everything that Levy is doing is inspired by Emirates era Woolwich.

It’s the extent of the prick’s imagination…

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Stop believing the BBC. Recommend you watch thw YouTube clip of Tommy Robinson and Panorama. Very recent video.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago

I judge you for putting one single penny in that dudes pocket. Your lucky your not an Arsenal fan. lol. Personally I think he is a knob head perpetuating hate on the back of a claim that there is further injustice that only he see’s.

Harry Hotspur
Harry Hotspur
5 years ago

Bizarrely, it’s quite a good read.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago

I got told yesterday, from a Spurs fan, that we should be happy where we are. we were never going to win the league anyway. He cant wait to finish above the Arse and hopes its early enough where we can even afford to lose to City so Liverpool don’t win the league…Now is it me, or does that sound very Arsenal circa 5yrs ago?

hoping for top 4 – Check
League out of reach early – check
totterings day important – check
wants to make a difference to the league without winning it – check!

How depressing!! People forget that before the Burnley game, we LITERALLY had the league in our own hands. Admittedly it would have involved an 11 game winning streak, but still, its not like we were so far behind the pack. I think we face Chelsea at the worst time all season, but all the last 3 games we SHOULD have won without doing much more than we did, we have been possibly the worst I have seen us under Poch for the last 3 games.

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Speaking of which, I ordered Tommy Robinsons book last week, in order to read on my flight to Australia.

Last time I bothered to read a book on a flight it was “Marching Powder” the story of a Pommy drug mule. I like to stir up customs people.

5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

I know it’s, in reality, about as likely as another virgin birth, but in light of my Spurs’ following aunt’s death might we we win the Champions League! I know of a number of occasions when after some long standing fan (of whatever club) has died their particular club has gone on to win something as if a kind of tribute; why the Heavenly influences couldn’t have allowed the deceased to have lived to see it, I don’t know. Just one example, my paternal grandfather, the Villa fan, died in January 1957 and in May the Birmingham outfit won their first major tournament (excluding any second division title) in thirty seven years. Mind you nobbling the goalie (in the days before substitutes) early on with the result that he was reduced to being a limping passenger on the wing didn’t do the cause any harm. AV,the first team to win the F.A. Cup on seven separate occasions, of course, haven’t managed to win it again since. But file it away and forget about it, because, somehow, I don’t think we’re going to become European champions!

Harry Hotspur
Harry Hotspur
5 years ago
Reply to  Daveyboi

Playing dull football, relying on fairy dust is a war-crime.

Poch won’t come out of this well.

5 years ago
Reply to  JamesK

I think that I’d get rid of Ericksen IF WE HAD AN UPGRADE ON THE DANE like Coutinho, for instance. Fat chance of that happening, though. He’s a fine player at times, our Dane, but he sure annoys the fuck out of me. He is a bit of a SPURSY, in fact.

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  Willie!


5 years ago

RIP Keef Flint, triffic firestarter..🔥

5 years ago

We’re all going on a Jihadi holiday.
No more working for a week or two.
Underage bride and ultra violence.
for a week or two ooh ooh, for a week or two..

5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

The 1,000 year project?

5 years ago

R.I.P. my Godmother, a Spurs fan since childhood, who died around six o’clock this morning, aged 97. In later years, after some Spurs disappointment, she would say with a resigned air “Well, we’re used to it!” At least, she witnessed two league title triumphs. Her father, a lifelong Villa fan used to tell her Spurs would never win the league! Strong Villa/Spurs tradition on my dad’s side of the family with his other sister a Villa fan. Originally, a Spurs fan, but swapping to the Villa, I’m both these days. My dad never really followed anyone (he just liked to see the local West Midland teams do well), but even he followed Spurs for a brief period – a touch of glory hunting, I think, after Spurs won the Cup in 1921. Incidentally, he turned out a few times for the Casuals (he used to tell me the Corinthian Casuals, but, point of fact, it was the Casuals in the thirties, about five or six years before they merged with the famous Corinthians.

5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

Peak Redknapp for me was 2010 at the San Siro, playing with 10 men from the 7min mark and down 4-0 at halftime, then Bale tore Maicon a new asshole, clawing back 3 away goals and setting us up for a run to the quarters.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

sometimes its nice to actually try to imagine a better world than the one we are in. Its a long stretch from actually thinking it will happen. especially when poxy talking about the reasons he thought it could happen.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Neither of those 2 will come to us as both would want a club where they can spend. They have done shoe string teams, and develop player teams, they need the next step. If I was united or Real or Juve, Simone would be my choice. He has done well at a club that is in a hard league where its not as fair as the PL.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

its what drowning sorrows of throwing it all away does to you.

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago
Reply to  Panama Paul

He wasn’t right for Spurs but did well doing what he does for a while. His brief from Levy was get us away from relegation and into a decent league position, that’s what he did. Beyond that it would have gotten very messy, as it started to…

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago
Reply to  Panama Paul

The length of Poch’s tenure as Spurs manager has been purely based on his ability to do what he does with shirt buttons. Despite the top 4 places, if he’d requested money for transfers he’d have been shown the door.

Levy is a complete cunt fronting up a bunch of cunts, that’s all there is to it…

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago
Reply to  poxy


5 years ago

That proved to be THE ABSOLUTE PEAK of the Rednapp era, four goals up at half time! One of the players said he had never played in a team that played such fast football. A far cry from now! Not long afterwards, though we took a two goal lead away to Arsenal against the run of play rather. By the interval it was parity and the Gunners eventually romped home to the tune of 5-2.That Sunday afternoon was the beginning of the end of Harry’s reign. And another false dawn!

5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

+1, as they say!

5 years ago
Reply to  Limerick AL.

He was in the background & had already been offered the job. Levy knew Harry was tarnished by the court case & made a contingency plan – hire AVB. There wasn’t a ‘start date’ for AVB but he’d signed the contract & was waiting for the nod from Levy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Limerick AL.

Beat Newcastle 5-0 , that was the last hurrah before it all started.

5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

as so well explained by Finn in the early hours.

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago

Very true.

5 years ago
Reply to  dilly

If our great(?) Dane could just start, DD, by clearing the first defender!

5 years ago

I like that: Gilzean’s Barber!

5 years ago

*or proof

Gilzean's Barber
Gilzean's Barber
5 years ago
Reply to  Harry Hotspur

Perhaps, but not before he’d fransfirmed us in the space of a season from a laughing stock to a side to be taken seriously while playing some of the most entertaining football in the league.
And he’s right here.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
5 years ago

I agree, unfortunately he’s right, although only stating the blindingly obvious. We played good football under Redknapp, Levy threw him under the bus, he has got form for sacking managers, but Poch ticks all the boxes for him. We all know what the definite of madness is.

5 years ago

Spurs football under Redknapp was more enjoyable to watch than that under Pochettino.

It was a sad day for fans of entertaining football when he left the club.

We did have Bale and Van der Vaart which was a big factor, but the football was exciting. There was no backwards passing like we see now.

It is the ultimate ambition of any English manager to manage England, so I don’t hold that against him.

5 years ago

Redknapp could do nothing about the nationwide tapping up job on behalf of the England team from rival managers and players. He said he was committed, plus you had twats like Brendan Rodgers putting stuff in his book about conversations about him being a number 2 with no context of proof.
It effected the players absolutely. We had a job done on us, completed by Chelsea “winning” the CL and the West Brom v Arsenal disgrace.

We won’t be getting those players Harry…..

Panama Paul
Panama Paul
5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Levy does not like over-achievers. Which makes Poch’s tenure rather remarkable except for the fact that he accepts a zero transfer policy rather than taking the donkeys on offer by Levy.

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  Daveyboi

Redknapp had plenty of signings. Poch has had none in 18 months. The fraud begins and ends with ENIC

5 years ago
Reply to  spurs108

Some of us not really surprised, mate. The surprise for me has been that with what’s been going on (or rather not going on at the club!)that we have been so close to the top of the table. The falling away now ( incidentally, at about the time in the season when Spurs historically so often fall apart, the Ides of March) not in the least bit surprising given the cumulative effect of Baldy’s no signings policy.

5 years ago
Reply to  spurs108

If Eriksen watched MOTD highlights he will have spotted
1) That James Ward-Prowse scored a superb free kick and
2) Spammers opening goal by the impressive Decland- Rice was scored from an inswinging corner. Yes inswinging corner. Yes for want of repetition inswinging corner!!!!

Harry Hotspur
Harry Hotspur
5 years ago
Reply to  John

He’s right but he was fired for DERELICTION of duty.

5 years ago
Reply to  John

It was a derailing job from the start. The afternoon Harry was cleared in court Capello lost his job and the nonsense began. You say your not interested and you get accused of being unpatriotic, do the opposite and you’re a traitor. Harry only said it was an honour to be linked but was Tottenham boss. Plus, he was NEVER offered the job.

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
5 years ago
Reply to  John

I thought that the Day He was found Not Guilty Spurs later played Newcastle and won with Panache. AWB was not anywhere near.

5 years ago

Only managers i’d be interested in if Poch does le grande sortie would be Simeone and Bielsa but whoever we end up with including if Poch stays it actually doesn’t matter because ultimately baldy will make sure it all goes tits up. We don’t have a chance in hell until ENIC leaves the building.

Lilywhite without the II
Lilywhite without the II
5 years ago


A Spurs team with Bale, Modders and VDV….we needed reinforcements then, Levy never backs his managers…

5 years ago

My word, looking down the page again and noting the posting times of some of our bloggers, we seem to be a bunch of insomniacs! Is this what Spurs do to you?!

5 years ago

And as the intolerable reality finally, finally dawns, those poor souls incapable of coping turn to the ultimate hopium pipe of all, the champions league and the ludicrous dream of winning it, this season.

“..with all that’s happened you never know..” “..could weirdly be our year..” “..stranger things have happened..” etc etc

Stop it.

Panama Paul
Panama Paul
5 years ago

ENIC are not prepared to pony up the dough to join the Sky cabal. Buying expensive big name players and paying market wages does not float Danny Boy’s or Uncle Joe’s boat. Minimum outlay for maximum return is Levy’s mantra. Consequently, we are behind the competition even before a ball has been kicked. Being part of the Sky cabal comes with certain member benefits such as in-game ref assistance, favourable match scheduling and media support.

Last season was pivotal for Spurs in terms of breaking into the cabal but Levy baulked at the cost. Factor in the participation of a significant proportion of our first choice XI in the latter stages of the World Cup, together with EPL not pushing back the start of the season to accommodate the recuperation of the England players severely affected our pre-season and the fitness conditioning of a soon to be over-worked squad. No reinforcements, players being sold off and not replaced, even Dembele who was highly likely to go wasn’t replaced. Perhaps the stadium blow out has caused a cash-flow problem that may hang around for a while.

What is playing out is a form of retribution for Levy not helping build the EPL brand by buying big name players. Let’s be honest if it was a Spurs player that hacked down an Arsenal player, the way Xhaka did to Kane, the very least the player would have received is a yellow, but probably, to assist Arsenal and Man Utd (both part of the Sky cabal), it would have been red. The last 3 matches have had several instances of ref’s not taking action against our opposition for clear fouls but pulling our players up for less. All of this is in light of Man Utd’s miracle run that looks like will get them into third, as we start to struggle due to accumulated fatigue and getting the raw prawn.

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago
Reply to  spurs108

ENIC don’t care about the team, the fans or anything related to the football. This team will be sold off, cashed in on and replaced with a new set of hopefuls for the never ending ‘future project.

It’s already begun with Sanchez, Foyth and refusing to pay Eriksen and Toby the going rate. Same old shit from the property developers…

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
5 years ago

He has point Harold reference the acquisition of players but as for Walker and Rose…. well enough said.

5 years ago

I’m too lazy to go look it up, but how many matches have we played this season with anything close to our first-choice XI? Dele, Kane, Rose, Trippier have all been out with injuries, Son away on int’l duty, Dier sick (not in my first XI, but would be for some), Verts and Eriksen injured, etc. Some argue that not buying players is a benefit due to having a settled squad, but our starting lineup has been anything but settled and consistent. I actually like Sissoko, but when he has played more league matches than anyone else, you might have a problem.

Panama Paul
Panama Paul
5 years ago

I, for one, won’t be joining in on the Harry Redknapp love in. Yes we got CL and the football was entertaining but he was very limited as a manager (Bale bailed him out on numerous occasions) and has left a trail of destruction at other clubs, fortunately Spurs were not one of them. His love for car window interviews and sound bites made him look ridiculous and it is unsurprising that he did an ad via a car window. And let’s not forget Rosie, one well cashed up dog.

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago

Played some good footy under Schapps and first ever C.L qualification. Can’t say I’m very fond of much of his off pitch shtick though.

The Baldini AVB axis that Levy replaced him with was just as dysfunctional, only in a spreadsheet way, as was the Comoli Ramos combo that preceded it.

Schnapps was the antithesis of the Levy model, he was both employed and sacked as a result of Levy shitting himself.

Mr Mercurial
Mr Mercurial
5 years ago

Harry was sacked because Levy wanted to sell Bale and Harry had been too outspoken about top clubs who want to win things don’t sell their top players. Levy cited the club wanting to go in a different direction and Harry was gone. Next was Bale. Money banked, tidy profit. Harry was lambasted by certain fans when he said fourth is as good as it gets with Tottenham is exactly the same thing that Poch is saying now about the clubs operating model is not going to change. Profit over glory while ENIC is in charge.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
5 years ago


5 years ago

Pochettino is on the verge of blowing a 10 point gap over 3 sides supposedly in Transition.
He’s had 5 years and told us all how far ahead of his project he is , yet still 10 years away from achieving anything…..
Yet Redknapp is the fraud?

5 years ago

I look back at the Redknapp era with fond memories. Sure we were underacheiving and he has his faults, but we were also the most entertaining and gung ho team in those days. Forget Walker and Rose. What I’d do to have Corluka and Ekotto again. Defenders who could actually defend. VDV over Eriksen any day of the week. Now that was a proper player, always turning up for the big games. I hope we get rid of Eriksen. He lacks passion. Isco can rot in Madrid for all I care. We desperately need a marquee signing in the summer and it must be sympathetic; a genuine crowd-pleaser. Joao Felix or Ruben Neves. Though I’d prefer both. Daniel better get Odegaard in return too.

Lilywhite without the II
Lilywhite without the II
5 years ago

Selling Dembele without a replacement could cost Levy his 4th place…ohh the irony

5 years ago

Er, he’s right. Last season & the season before we played some brilliant football. This season we’ve been poor.

There will never be a manager/player who’s head isn’t turned when a ‘bigger’ club/national team comes calling. Especially when the press convince them that the job is theirs. Until they’re up in court.

He got sacked because Levy was convinced he was about to be found guilty & took the initiative & gave someone else a contract.

When Harry was found not guilty, Levy had 2 options: give AVB shed loads of money & tell him it was all a big mistake or keep Harry on. He chose to sack Harry & take AVB on.

Despite what you think of the man, he’s spot on with regard to our performances.

5 years ago

I do not understand why some of us here are surprised we are not playing as well as we did few years ago. Because of our brilliant ‘No Transfer’ policy we had been regressing relative to the other EPL teams who has different transfer policy where they try to buy players their managers need.
Our regression is more obvious this season as we only managed to win by an odd goal even against poor teams.

5 years ago


Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Talking sense Paul .

Aussie In Switzerland
Aussie In Switzerland
5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Stop believing the BBC. Recommend you watch thw YouTube clip of Tommy Robinson and Panorama. Very recent video.

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

I am not sure he was. Memory is a fical thing though

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Think he was a little better regarded than that

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Poch was the same as Eddie Howe. Doing well at a lower club, willing to try to push on.

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

Me too

5 years ago
Reply to  Only Me

We attracted Poch didn’t we?

Only Me
Only Me
5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Young managers want ambition. So you think we (recent history) are showing enough to attract a top manager?

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