Home » Breaking: Brendan Rodgers Makes A Claim That May Shock A Good Many Tottenham Fans

Breaking: Brendan Rodgers Makes A Claim That May Shock A Good Many Tottenham Fans

By The Boy -

This is beginning to become rather amusing. That said, in order to enjoy these turbulent times, one needs to detach oneself from the hurt caused to the club as we understood it; and instead focus upon the lunacy that has brought us to this point in proceedings. Gallows humour is our friend.

When ENIC began their master plan of expansion and added value, very many of our supporters began regurgitating all the official party line points all over the Internet. ‘World-class stadium’, ‘world-class training facilities’… as if these were abnormal things in professional sports in the 21st century.

Most top-flight clubs – and Leicester City ARE a top-flight side – have top-of-the-range facilities. The sales pitch that implied Hotspur Way was something extraordinary has been just another ENIC myth. The facilities THFC has are without doubt superb, but that does not mean that others are still using medicine balls and ‘magic sponges’.

Rodgers has NOT been sat in his hall, staring at his Bakelite phone, hoping that Daniel Levy might call, and rescue him. According to what he told Sky Sports, he’s busy managing a side that has probably finished above us.

That’s two down, plenty more set swerve this opportunity of a lifetime…

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Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Will

By ‘coaster’ are we thinking of a certain Portuguese, by any chance?

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

The “magic sponge!” In olden days, just the thought of the trainer coming on with his “magic sponge” et al was enough to get you back on your feet!

3 years ago
Reply to  Will

Agree with you. But on your last point about hiring someone young and doing a long term project, we were already doing that with Poch. And then Levy fired him.

When asked about our most successful manager in modern world not being backed for 5 years, Levy said we were doing a long term project with sustainable and gradual procession. But then after a few months of bad results he fired the manager. And then immediately after hiring the new guy, started saying the same thing again.

The best thing about a long term project is the stability and the worst thing is you go through some bad patches. Then about the short term projects, the good thing is the chance of immediate success and the worst thing is the constant upheaval of management and continuous resetting. Under Levy and ENIC, we’re truly getting the worst of both worlds.

3 years ago

Spot on!
No half decent manager should come near ENIC and who could blame him, The poisoned chalice offered by ENIC just destroys the glow from any promising CV and now they all know it.

However I do think that Nagelsmann going to BM was far too early for him although it is probably safer .career wise (no matter how risky) than coming to WHL I cannot see anyone other than a ‘coaster” (i.e., a once good manager now coasting on his past record for money but with minimal effort and applied as a patch by ENIC) wanting the job.

IMO we should obtain someone young and make him a real long term project and slowly climb out of the midtable doldrums (where we belong thanks to ENIC) and allow Kane and Son to at least win something elsewhere, using that money to invest in young players. BUT! ENIC like the CL cash glow and they wont do it but instead will apply another patch to an already creaking structure.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

I said the same the other day. EVERY top flight side has ‘world class training facilities’. A fan base of budgies.

3 years ago

Training facilities probably play a part in player’s decision to join. I place good significance on the work place surrounding when taking a new job. But after Liverpool’s move from Melwood, all the big six clubs have world class training facilities(If you’ve been thinking ours is the best, just google Manchester City’s facilities). Now Leicester have it too. And I think soon Everton will shift. So that’s eight clubs minimum. Tottenham Hotspur does not stand out here.

Now this ‘players lining up for the privilege to play in the new stadium’ line though… do people really think that if presented with similar offers by Chelsea and Spurs, the player would think “even though Chelsea routinely wins trophies, the lines at the turnstiles are too long, the halftime pie is not as good and the WiFi’s not top of the range”?

There are six big clubs in Premier league. Five of them won silverware last decade. Spurs’ closest competitors Arsenal routinely win the FA Cup and even Jose Mourinho managed to deliver the Europa league and other trophies during his supposed “reign from Hell” to United.

I was happy that Spurs were getting the new stadium. But this theory that we’ll say to players “we can’t guarantee you trophies, we also can’t offer you as much money as the others, but look at our stadium!”. I always found it hilarious that people think it would work. And even funnier that the club actually used this pitch.

3 years ago
Reply to  Spurfect One

I pray to god that this rumour was total BS. Because if it’s not and other prospective managers hear this, we won’t get a world class manager, we’d struggle to get a good manager, and we won’t get a manager with integrity. Maybe ‘Arry has had a born again experience in the jungle during ‘I’m a Celebrity’…

Spurfect One
Spurfect One
3 years ago

Levy insisted Jose to play Winks and Dele more. Why would Rodgers relinquish control of a position where he has a lot of say whilst his club will most likely have CL football next season, to a club who has a chairman picking the actual players to play? No manager will ever get to shape their squad in their image while Levy is at the helm.

Kevin Freund
Kevin Freund
3 years ago

Stroke the already giant ego, Chuck an obscene amount of money his way – sell the dream in which he is pivotal – job done .

-when you stare at a list presented by H – he could be the best bet

his motivation apart from cash , the man who did what poch and mourinho couldn’t .

3 years ago

In all seriousness, if I were a football manager looking at the Spurs job, the single biggest positive you’d think is, “well, at least I’ll be £15m better off in about 18 months”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Regina

The righteousness of a football manager, of course some one takes the job. Wages, sacking and payoffs why wouldn’t they? Even step up for alot of managers as Spurs are an opportunity to take a punt at.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

‘They flee from me that sometime did me seek’, as a poet once wrote.

3 years ago

No decent manager will come to spurs, especially the way levy treats them, instant success with the minimum amount of money spent on players or else he fires them, and success I mean champions league football not trophies, levy doesn’t give a ***** about trophies only the money of champions league football, next manager will be someone unemployed and…..a bit desperate.

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