Brace Yourselves: Poch Spoke With Florentino Perez Last Week

Mauricio Pochettino is canny chap.

One that doesn’t mind having a friendly chat with senior figures, at other clubs.


Fans will recall Poch’s dinner date with Sir Alex Ferguson back in 2016,  at Scott’s restaurant in Mayfair.

By the sounds of the report from Spain, This meeting with the Real Madrid president was perhaps more of a spontaneous affair.

Last summer Poch irritated the fanbase with his “When Real Madrid call you, you have to listen to them.” line and despite signing a new deal at Spurs. anyone who believes that the Argentine is genuinely ‘so happy’ with getting not one new signing over the line in this summer’s window may require a check up from the neck up.

Pochettino finds himself in an enviable position for a high profile football manager.

He’s won nothing.

He’s never come close to winning anything, and yet given the perpetually meagre resources he’s been  provided with, he’s achieved near miraculous results.

If I was Daniel Levy, I wouldn’t take anything this life for granted.