Bonzo Bonanza

The Evening Standard have the exclusive.

Bonzo is in talks for an enhanced contract. I’ve never negotiated with someone with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but I would imagine Levy will have his hands full. Mostly with balloon animals, crayons and assorted party favours.

The Standard mention  a number of rather blue chip sides that might be interested in procuring the boy Walker’s services.

Manchesters City and United. Apparently Barcelona have scouted him (please, no laughing at the back).

This line made me chuckle the most, though. ‘Standard Sport understands Walker sought a meeting with manager Pochettino to understand the club’s plans for the years ahead.’

We’re selling high end cheese and watching you scratch your balls in a corridor mate. That’s the plan.

I’d sell him so fast you’d think it was a magic trick.

He can’t think, can’t cross, can’t shoot, and he’s only got one facial expression which is a hybrid of looking determined and being mesmorised like a budgie staring at a mirror with a bell on it. I’m told he points at planes.

Trippier is a far better bet all round. No, Kieran can’t run 200 meters in 6 and a half seconds, but then my coffee machine can’t make lemonade, and that’s never been a problem either.

Cash the hell in.

Sell sell sell.