Last week developer Grainger wrote to Seven Sisters traders to say it
was pausing the installation of the temporary market in the ground floor
of the Apex tower.
This is the space where Seven Sisters market was to be re-located while
the site was demolished and a new marketplace built.
This week TFL – who owns the market and licence the operator to manage it – wrote to the traders to update them on its response to Grainger’s pause and viability problems.
TFL say that they are under contract to sell the site while the
Compulsory Purchase Order remains in place, and can’t put money into any improvements. But will do essential safety repairs.
TfL says they recognize the importance of the market and will continue to make the case for major investment. And will update you soon about their plans.
From Creative Action’s Tweet
where you can read both TFL and Grainger letters.
No word yet on what Haringey will do.
We know Joe Ejiofor has openly said that the market will be demolished
on his watch, and he did laugh out loud during the Council meeting when
the traders pressed their case for support. His Cabinet also dismissed
much of the recommendations of a Cllr scrutiny panel looking into the
market situation.
Will the Council use public money to bail out the developer or finally
support the community plan for the area?
Bail out the developer, it’s what most authorities would do. Almost all regeneration has to come from the private sector so councils are over barrel really…
Bail out money is very popular.