When Would You Send André’s Deathagram


So for those of you joining us late, here’s where I stand. I’m unmoved by the hysterics. I’m left laughing at demands for entertainment. Here’s André on the frenzy:

I am immune (to criticism) right now. I used to read a lot into situations like this, into pressure points when I was at Chelsea, but not anymore. I am very indifferent.

There is only one (area) that I come under pressure from, which is the press.”

Is he a madman? Indeed am I, for saying, let’s wait until things actually look genuinely ‘orrible before hitting the eject button? Who knows?

So here’s a thing. I’m going to revisit the “let’s have a poll” thing. But this time. I’m opening it up somewhat. That was the criticism of the last poll. It was too black and white.

So give this bar steward a go.

[button color=”orange” link=”http://49481.polldaddy.com/s/avb-again” target=”http://49481.polldaddy.com/s/avb-again”]VOTE[/button]


