Home » Alasdair Gold Plans To Get Sense From José Mourinho On Friday

Alasdair Gold Plans To Get Sense From José Mourinho On Friday

By The Boy -

Reporter Alasdair Gold has let slip that he plans to get some sense from José Mourinho in respect of Toby Alderweireld’s absence from the Newcastle game.

What we know so far is José – as quoted by Mail Sport – said of two players ‘They (Toby + Serge Aurier) went for their national teams, and they didn’t make the COVID-19 tests on time to be in the training session on Thursday, not even on Friday. They come only yesterday.’

Curiously though, photos and footage released by THFC on social media and the club website clearly show Toby training on both days, training. Which pretty much contradicts the notion that the Belgian wasn’t training.

The matter has been blown up on the back of another forgettable performance by Tottenham’s backline against Newcastle, where we saw more bugling and yet another lead was thrown away.

“Alderweireld not only was in photos on Thursday from training but in a video on Friday was also shown in training. So for Mourinho to say that he wasn’t training until Saturday and that he didn’t do any training until the final day. I’m hoping we get clarity on Friday because it made no sense…”

Speaking on his YouTube channel, Gold discusses the issue and said that he is hoping for clarity on Friday, which is when the gaffer next takes a press conference ahead of our game against Manchester United.

This will take some gentle wording from Gold, as essentially he’s going to ask Mourinho if he lied about Toby’s availability for non-footballing reasons.

It is difficult to imagine an alternate scenario that gives José sufficient wriggle room given his quote in the Mail Online remark, especially given everyone on the Zoom call will be broadly speaking the same people that heard him discuss Serge and Toby last week.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Burgin

Come on mate, he hasn’t spoken to the media since after that game, let’s see what he says today.

I can’t believe we are at a point where we are picking holes in everything our manager says, fair enough to think “oh, that’s not right because we saw pictures of Toby training” but lets use our brains afterwards instead getting ourselves all worked up over absolutely nothing. He didn’t play, based on what we have heard all season about him not being able to complete multiple games in a short period, he wouldn’t ever have played anyway. Get over it. It really doesn’t matter.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Ok….I said I cannot fault his passion based on the whole of his comment….did I mention anything about believing in Jose? Fact is, he’s clearly passionate as it’s the longest reply I’ve ever seen to an article on here that wasn’t steeped (completely) in negativity.

Is that what Spurs fans want though? Because a few years ago Spurs fans were saying “the footballs great (and we won a lot of games) but we bottle it on the big occasion, I’d happily take a trophy and play boring football”

I look forward to digging this comment back up in a year or so’s time when we have Nagelsmann playing positive football but still not bringing any silverware in and everyone’s calling for him to go because he’s “not a proven winner”

3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

David Mellor? Was he the poor ole Chelsea bloke that went down on a helicopter?

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur

It harks back to Carry On films and kiss me quick hats. the British have become so continental these days dear!

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand


3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Whats he supposed to do? He only has the players in the squad to choose from. He can’t magic them out of thin air can he. The only option he has is to persist with the players at his disposal.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Spot on, Levy has never walked the walk. Just talk.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Sure, so why did he just not say that then

3 years ago
Reply to  DANP

Really, respect
Respect and morinho just don’t go together
Sure, he can decide who he plays but at least he could tell the truth when asked

3 years ago

Alisdair is a bit to smiley positive all the time for a miserable old git like me. I’m sure if he trod in dog excreta he’d say he didn’t like those shoes anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by mikeyhughes
3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur

Internet bonking?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Yeah Gold has the teeth of a gerbil. He’s too nice to be a reporter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

Talk is cheap. We need to walk the walk after 20 years of some great managers and players and virtually bugg er all to show for it. Connecting thread? Enic and Levy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

I admire your optimism but I fear it is misplaced. Enic is not about football success its about making money. That’s what the stadium is for by the way, making money for our owners from NFL to concerts, not about filling it with the best players, unless you count oldies past their sell by date and risky kids, with Kane thrown in as the only true worldy to appease the fans.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

Doing ok? Compared to when we didn’t even have a ground we are doing worse.

Was it always a question of being worse after we moved in for a while? If it was, I fail to see the logic or reason why that would be the case.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

We’re coming man.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Why has ‘believing’ in Jose got anything to do with passion?

Most passionate Spurs fans want great football that wins matches, end of.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

We’ve only been in the new place five minutes. We will be buying better players (consistently soon. Give the stadium a chance to make some money. Money soon come in forever at tottenham London. The future is bright.. I knew it would take a few years at the new place to get the thing moving proper. 2023 and beyond. First full season in (during a pandemic) and we’re doing ok.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Regina

So unless you back Jose, you aren’t the right kind of supporter? Eh?

This is all becoming a bit weird and Staninesque…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

So why has Jose persisted with player that currently doesn’t have it in him to be the kind of player Jose wants? Is Jose just trying this and that, hoping something will stick? I can’t see anything else…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy


The hype is one thing, unless the team backs it up on the pitch, it all means nothing at all…

3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Bonking, now there’s a word you don’t here to often nowadays.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Could someone also please ask Alasdair to confront Levy, about what the f*ck he’s doing with our football team?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

i was thinking along those lines ,he is probably still amazed he ever got access.

Big Mal
Big Mal
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Classic Gold. I loved his videos of the stadium build when he used to huff and puff his way around the stadium ….. though not as funny as Chris ‘oh look there’s a brick’ Cowlin

3 years ago
Reply to  DANP

Real talk. Yep

Big Mal
Big Mal
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Has Gold ever told us anything that we don’t already know?

3 years ago
Reply to  DANP

For some people we are rubbish. Joe rubbish. Levy rubbish. José rubbish. Players rubbish. Stadium rubbish.. must be draining.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Sabitzer, Milenkovic, Vestergaard? i’d be happy with that. But I bet we get 2 of them at best. We never get a complete set.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I’m not saying everything is Mourinho’s fault but this one he said and about he meant Serge he talked both of them not only Alderweireld, Toby came back to training on Thursday and Serge on Friday but Jose said both did not train till Saturday and that was not true simple why he said is different question which I cannot answer but one of the possibilities was that he was upset with them and was blaming them the Euro exit.

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

That or that bloke who organises it says “right no questions about Toby”

3 years ago

This really is a non story. The manager decided not to player certain players. That’s what football managers do. You and I may not agree but we’re not being paid £15 million a year to make those decisions.

I’ve said it before, Jose must be wringing his hands when it comes to team selection especially when it comes to the defensive lineup. Not one of our defenders can be relied on at the moment. Add to that some right dodgy performances from some of our MF players, then I have to say he’s earning his money just for the mental strain of it all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

Or he simply misspoke? I don’t for a single second believe that someone as meticulous as Mourinho would knowingly say a player hasn’t trained when every session is filmed. He clearly meant Serge.

Toby is too old to play consecutive games, he was left out purely due to this. Not everything is Mourinho’s fault.

3 years ago
Reply to  DANP

Yeah, agreed with you on a lot of this and cannot fault your passion.

No other manager gets hounded for a simple slip of the tongue more than Mourinho. He has said on record countless times “Toby cannot play twice a week” so the fact he just played 3 international matches clearly explains why he wasn’t in the squad. It’s not rocket science.

Your team for next year looks amazing but I would suggest we will more than likely get Sabitzer, Milenkovic, Vestergaard and that will be it (maybe Sam Johnstone….maybe).

3 years ago
Reply to  DANP

Well said, spurs need more supporters like you.

3 years ago
Reply to  DANP

I agree with most of that. Apart from improving players. Jose does improve players. But some players cannot be improved because they aren’t clever enough and/or they can’t concentrate enough. I think Dier lacks the mobility needed for a midfielder. He is a central defender…… unfortunately he is error prone at the moment. And that doesn’t look like changing.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Exactly, the old Lamela pics made me wonder if it was old pics again. And even if they aren’t old they could probably pull the same excuse.

3 years ago

Its so crazy, does any other manager get treated as badly as Jose. Its such a witch hunt. Any decision Jose makes the press constantly hound him. No other manager gets hounded about a decision they have made.
Its time the press showed him a bit more respect for what he has achieved in the game. To be fair Jose could have just said he’s just played 3 internationals and needs a rest. I personally think he got the names wrong perhaps and it was just a simple mistake. People make mistakes all the time but when Jose does it its like nuclear war. He may have been simply angry and upset as he is very passionate after watching another defensive shambles from sanchez. Not sure why Tobi isnt in the team to be honest as he is the best & most experienced defender we have, however, if you are not going to be playing Tobi and Rodon then surely play Tanganga and Rodon. Yes its inexperienced but Id rather play those two than sanchez, at least they would give 100%. I also would try and put Dier in the holding position with Hojbjerg. Dier isnt a centre back and I feel his position as a holding midfielder is best and that his partnership with Hojbjerg would give us a good defensive foundation to allow players like Ndombele Son et al to concentrate on creating and scoring goals. What I like is that every player Jose has requested pre season, which Levy never got bar Hjobjerg, have gone on and become better players and done amazingly well for their clubs. This shows that Jose can pick a player and all jose needs is the support from the club to get these players otherwise whats the point in bringing Jose to the club. Jose isnt the guy who is going to make sanchez and co better players but he is the guy who picks players that will strengthen the team has that jose mindset to give everything to the club. He structures a team with a strong defensive foundation with Hojbjergesque players that are good, solid players that will run through walls for him and the club and then he sprinkles a bit of star dust by having some quality attacking creative players. Its like he says you guys fight defend break up play and run through walls and simply give the ball to the attacking players and they will work their magic. Its like Jose employs 2 teams on one pitch and its this reason why things arent working. The attacking creative players are working their magic better than we have for ages but the defensive squad are a shambles in the most part and their is no cohesion between the 2 squads and it shows massively. I even see players like kane working so hard attacking creating scoring goals and even defending and all this hard creative work is constantly being undermined and let down by poor play defensive mistakes or loss of concentration. Lets support Jose in the transfer market by bringing the players he asks for and dispose of the deadwork

My 21/22 team dreaming i am

Aarons Costa Skrinaar Reg
Hojbjerg Skipp
Sabitzer Ndombele Son
Joe Hart, Lavinier , Cirkin, Milenkovic, Tanganga, Dier, Alfie Devine, Lucas, Markanday, Scarrett coutinho, Bergwyn, Aguero, Etete

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

David Mellor comes to mind with that photo of him leaning on his parents gate with his wife in view after he had been caught bonking some bird whilst wearing a Chelsea shirt.

3 years ago

Jose has no excuse for this one except that he feels Alderweireld was one of those players he believes were responsible for the early and embarrassment exit of Europa League and even if that is the case Jose is not right to blame the loss of Zagreb Alderweireld and Aurier only cause it takes a team to win or lose how about the attackers who failed just to score 1 goal.

3 years ago

My money is in Gold not wishing to jeapordise his special relationship with the club and totally bottling it!

3 years ago

old pictures and video maybe?

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Just use the politicians play book, ” Sorry but I misspoke”, and, ” If anyone feels that they might have been misled by my misspeaking then I am very sorry that they feel that way”.

Job done. The old non apology apology.

Last edited 3 years ago by James McKevitt
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