Home » A New Twist In The ‘Can Daniel Levy Keep Harry Kane At Spurs?’ Tale Will Literally Break This Evening

A New Twist In The ‘Can Daniel Levy Keep Harry Kane At Spurs?’ Tale Will Literally Break This Evening

By The Boy -

The Football Association and UEFA have described the notion of a potential European Super League as ‘cynical’ – which ought to tell wide awake observers that this proposed new enterprise is set to REALLY upset those with their noses stuffed firmly in the Moneyball Trough!

Spurs are amongst the 6 top English sides that are said to have penned letters of intent according to the Mail Online to join a European Super League. Manchester City Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham comprise the breakaway sides from the Premier League.

Who is behind this? Our friends in America. JP Morgan are said to be financing what has been called the brainchild of Real Madrid president Florentino Perez.


This attack on the footballing status quo could be a marketing dream. The plan is for the European Super League to involve roughly 15-18 sides… initially.

What we are looking at here would get Daniel Levy out of jail in the short term, but in fact make it far more logical for Harry Kane to move out of N17 in equal measure.

Anyone lifting their skirts and clucking over this notion probably had ancestors that were put out of business by the internal combustion engine.

Details of this initiative will break at 2130 hours tonight.

I give you… Champions League football, without being good enough!

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East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

The ability to outspend the competition seems to have been the key to all of the success he’s ever had, so I’m sure he’s up for it…

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

He’s more of a khant than you previously thought!

3 years ago

It is actually embarrassing that we are included with the teams involved in this, We have no right to be in this group when you consider what they have achieved in terms of football success and we have just one league cup victory in over 20 years. Still we have s better stadium than most of them and that’s the important thing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Legoverlass
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Going back to World Series Cricket in Australia, it was the players who embraced the concept/money (admittedly from a low base) and governing bodies around the world did not ban their players from Test cricket. Big name players can dictate here.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

A legal bunfight with injunctions etc to allow it to go ahead.

3 years ago
Reply to  makatiandy

Levy telling the group “you get Harry if we get to play and it’s a closed shop.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

And not having to pay for the privilege of rubbing.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Is it a free transfer to any non-Super League team?

3 years ago

I’ve never been more excited than getting ready to go to the 81 Final. Was the same in 1991. The Cup has been so devalued since then.

3 years ago

I really would be done at that point. ENIC have removed enough of the clubs identity.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Osvaldo

The six English clubs will be removed from the Premier League and their players, ie Harry Kane banned from the England team and probably all players, Lloris, Son banned from International football.

3 years ago

Not that finances are fair, but if six teams are going to get a princes ransom for committing to the super league its going to make it doubly hard for anyone outside those teams to win the league or cups.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Where would he go. Only a few teams outside the super league that could afford him and also be a step up.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Same with the music business, once it all becomes just about money the quality begins to drop. Back in the day there was consideration about the quality of the product you were selling, so they gave someone like Fleetwood Mac loads of money and several years to make a record.

You have to allow the magic to remain, once that goes people will just spend their time and money elsewhere…

For example, those sh*tty boy bands and all that stuff only really became so prevalent when investors wanted to reduce risk and increase certainty of return on their money. Why go and sign a bunch of talented but possibly wayward young people who could make brilliant original music? Better to manufacture a bland, homogenised version of pop music with everyone behaving themselves and not risking the investment growth predictions…

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Just said on 5Live the clubs involved could double in valuation over night meaning Spurs could be valued at four billion pounds. This is what’s behind this.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

This is driven by Americans, a closed shop, no risk game. The valuation of the Euro League teams could double over night which is great for Barcelona, Real, Juventus and Inter who are all in financial bother.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Yeah, playing with the house’s money as gamblers say.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent


East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

Jose’s appointment was made for the same amount of footballing reasons as not backing Pochettino; zero.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

Wonder if Jose knew??

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

And to think this is all fan money, ENIC have not spent a bean of their own money to invest in Spurs, or made Spurs a winning team, yet building property gets you in a super league…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

The League Cup could have an under 21 quota rule in it, it would add an extra dimension to it and give younger fringe players game time in high profile matches. So for example, you must have at least 4 U21s in the starting 11 and say 8-10 in the match day squad?

I just think the League Cup has been so devalued that it would actually add more value and interest in it with something like that to make it different.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Spurs fan on 5 Live just said she’s giving up her season ticket.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Of course, Great Britain was the home of cup football; there was very little interest, generally speaking, in the domestic cup competition on the continent – and some countries had even done away with it – until the commencement of the European Cup Winners Cup. This new competition, starting in 1960-61, led to countries reviving their cup competitions.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Lawyers rubbing their hands.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

This will be a legal nightmare…on one hand there will be nothing saying what tournament players can decide not to play in, but on the other you can stop someone playing for their country..

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Juventus are pulling out of the the European Club’s association. Big shot Agnelli has just resigned. This is serious, all the individual clubs are issuing statements as we speak.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

What I’m really saying is Levy couldnt force Kane to see out his contract against his will.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

You’d have thought that if it were ever to happen that a club like Citeh would have to join it really…

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

That’s one way to get rid of the wasters, I suppose.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

All players contracts will be voided. If Harry Kane doesn’t want to play for Spurs and put his International career at risk he’ll be free to walk away.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

It’s just so sad to see what has happened to the FA Cup in my lifetime; it was once every player’s dream to get an FA Cup winners medal at some stage in their career.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Oh yeah absolutely, 100%.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

I’m so emotionally invested in Spurs, this is going to hurt for a long time….

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Unbelievable. Here I was thinking losing the final and finishing outside the top four would be the worst end to the season.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Will anyone want to invest in Everton or Newcastle or any teams excluded from the Super League?

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

I believe City ARE interested, though.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

I remember there was a time when it seemed that if you built a new stadium, the next significant thing that happened to you was that you got relegated! Wolves, Sheffield Utd etc. Wolves really crashed through the floor and ended up in the fourth division.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

There is a split between UEFA and FiFA, this could turn nasty. FIFA have not condemned the break away.

3 years ago

Wont happen, too much media and fan backlash, but… with the clubs involved, I can understand Levy wanting to be shoulder to shoulder with the bigger boys.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

someone has already suggested online that it could mean Liverpool Liverbirds, Tottenham Heat etc when the American branding gets into action.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

The statement is out. Super League of twenty. We are now in danger of being ejected from the Premier League and our players from International football.

Last edited 3 years ago by James McKevitt
Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Unfortunately, football was just too popular, which meant the money men became interested and saw a chance to fill their pockets; and what has happened to the sport of football is what happens to everything in this world when the money men get their dirty hands on anything, alas.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Osvaldo

They’ve dubbed the the break away clubs as the bandits.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Yes, I’ve just been thinking that!

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

I think this might be a power grab by the big clubs, it’s a way of getting more leverage over the rest of the Premier League and Champions League.

If you don’t give us more money and control we’ll walk away.

No way will Harry Kane stay with any club that stops him playing for England, that’s my guess.

Last edited 3 years ago by James McKevitt
3 years ago

Sky have taken Gary Neville’s comments and added a montage of the club grounds. The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium appears just as he says “its a joke”. Fitting right now!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

And of course, it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what Sport is all about…or, rather, what it used to be about!

3 years ago

The owners are so out of touch with fans. They can’t have anticipated this level of backlash.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Even our newest sponsors taking the piss!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

One of the most incriminating things about our success – or lack of – is that we have just two league titles to our name…the same number as Preston North End when the Football League was just two years old! We still haven’t passed PRESTON!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  JimmyGrievance

Plenty of comments flying about at how exactly do Spurs justify inclusion in a European Super League. Of course, it’s based on wealth…….but then didn’t I hear something about a billion pounds of debt?

3 years ago

😂😂😂 – it’s the best chance of a trophy we have if that’s the competition.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

There are no depths to which Levy and many other football chairmen wouldn’t sink to fill their pockets. Like I said the other day, a new competition to try and identify Football’s most unspeakably vile chairman would be intensely competitive – more competitive than most national leagues these days, alas.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

With this stadium was Levy actually planning for a European Super League where he could really fill his boots!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Levy’s PR machine may have played a “blinder” but aided by incredibly gullible fans!

3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

I went to that final game at WHL. I felt sad that day and for a few days after. The sadness was, perhaps, prophetic.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Completely agree. He’s an investment manager. Joe’s bitch.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

I’m staggered that he’s never been under more scrutiny by the fans or the media. To be fair, ENIC’s PR machine have played a blinder for the past 22 years.

This idea that Levy is a ‘responsible’ chairman is just total balls. He’s the chairman of a football club and a very big one at that, he’s ‘responsibility’ presided over one League Cup and 14 managers over 22 years. What’s so responsible about delivering failure, season after season exactly? Responsibly watching Leicester City have more on pitch success than us! I mean the list goes on.

the only thing Levy is responsible about is protecting and adding value to the investment company. No wonder he never does interviews…

3 years ago
Reply to  JimmyGrievance

Levy thinks we are mugs and that he can do whatever he likes and we will still go along. I sense that sentiment is changing.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Agreed. Not sure the real fan matters at all these days. Crocker was correct and it’s all faceless corporate w***

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Looks like it…

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

This season has been a slap in the face. Whether or not you rate Jose, it’s shown Levy for the opportunist chancer he really is on the football side. I feel nothing but apathy at the moment and Levy has pushed many fans to this precipice. He’s an incompetent football man. The rest I couldn’t care less about anyway.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

I don’t think the Scousers will be up for it either, Spirit Of Shankley lot will be 100% against it. So will other supporters groups, the real supporters won’t want it but then do they even matter to the w*ankers anymore?

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Just when you thought football couldn’t get any more sh*t…

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent


3 years ago

It’s all nonsense. A European super league would be made up of Europe’s top clubs. That excludes us and Woolwich. Levy, yet again thinking his balls are actually bigger than they are.

3 years ago

Better prepare to reprise my role as the human cannonball then…..

3 years ago

I hope the other clubs bring a real backlash as well.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

He won’t get within throwing distance these days.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

I think that’s all they see and care about. Football will eventually get its reset if that continues though. Even these vacuous individuals will want more than a balance sheet to post about at some point.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

Just watched it..ENIC jumping on the band-wagon..they’ve slowly taken Spurs away from us and now this proves 100% what they are about….

3 years ago

Remember my dad and I sitting with the other malcontents after losing 3-0 at home to Sheffield Wednesday under Agent George. I would worry about my reaction to Levy these days. Too old to administer the justice that horrible little worm deserves.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

That’s how they’ll get it. Slow stranglation

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

I guess another £bn on the balance sheet will keep The wolves from the door. Maybe Levy will organise an open top parade for it

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

Yep. 0-2 home to Sheff wed…0-3 home to Chelsea…1-2 home to Derby, just off the top off my head and I’d have them days back in a flash.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Disgusting. The greed of these people is unconscionable and I hope there is a real backlash. It’s actually made me nostalgic about getting battered by Bolton and missing the last train back in the 90s. That’s a feat.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

It won’t stop there, there will be games against the South American teams

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

If I wAs in London still I’d be going to Orient 20000%. They might get a few season tickets out of all this.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

5Live a Spurs fans saying he’s giving up and supporting Leyton Orient if Levy doesn’t come out and apologise for this Euro League stuff.

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago

A get out of jail card indeed…free money for making free money and not a trophy in sight…people still back these sharks…

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

They see the franchise system in the US, no relegation, a wage cap, huge team valuations, monstrous TV deals and they fancy a slice of the pie and will make sure there are no crumbs for those left behind.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

“I’m not really bothered about Tottenham” Gary Neville.

Haha haha! They are such a joke now people can’t even get angry with em

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

As corrupt and self-serving as UEFA and Prem League are, this is appalling. Big middle finger to all the smaller clubs. Shame on Levy.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Oh and the fixing and scripting. Take that and do one.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Surespur

Just repeat after me, greed is good, greed is good.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

UEFA and domestic Leagues kicking back.

They are threatening to ban clubs from their home Leagues and players taking part in the new Euro League from all International football.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Neville’s had a rant. He’s right.

3 years ago

Small fish, swimming in a big pond, with lots of bigger, hungrier fish. We’ll be further from a title than ever before.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

I fancy Levy and Lewis knew this was happening and that’s why they built the dome. Only way it’s making sense.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

He’s a colossal khant. This is his wet dream.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

That’s why he wants to be in that’s group, opportunity knocks

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

If levy signs up for this then he’s more of a khant than I previously thought. THFC are not a big club.

3 years ago

Irony is that’s why sonny is so valuable to us, tv and money from outside uk means traditional fan bases are negligible to running a top level club

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

Yep. Spurs were WHL.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

The sport is corporate. Has been for a long time. Let the corrupt enjoy it. I’ll turn off.

3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

WHL was a central part of many folks lives. It’s never felt the same for me on the few times I’ve been to the new gaff.

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