A Cached Version Of The Removed Building.co.uk Page

Interesting that the biggest Spurs article of the day, got pulled.

Mace faces bill running into millions on Tottenham stadium

You can view a cached version of it HERE.

The article URL is now showing this page>>>

Question is, who told ‘Building’ to pull it?

Was it Mace, who were painted as the villains of the piece, due to be billed a small fortune for failing to deliver the works on time?

Was it THFC who were also portrayed in a bad light, making threats to workers who leaked information or photographs of the stadium?

Its unlikely to have been Ian Yule, construction partner at law firm Shoosmiths, unless he was horribly misquoted.

There’s nothing wrong with the rest of the Building site, however a cursory search for articles on Tottenham show zero publications for the entirety of 2018, which seems odd. Lots of 2017 backwards, but nothing for this entire year.

Perhaps sharing the removed content here will flush out the interested party!