10 O’Clocker: Spurs Were Bidding Against Themselves

As faintly depressing as I may find it that we’re discussing a player I don’t feel is up to playing for Spurs, the reality is that brain surgeons like me are as welcome as a dose of the clap these days.

It’s all time lapse video updates, cranes, portion controlled street food served in biodegradible packaging and craft beer.

Oh, and commercial ‘offerings’.

I’d rather be in Guantanamo, having Sarah Millican’s last live tape boomed into my cell for 24 hours a day.


Gladys understands that the Jack Grealish situation has been further complicated by THFC discovering that there was never A N Other party interested in the boy.

Levy is not so much shrewd as obtuse; and so the impact of this news may be limited.

However, what it has achieved is an impasse.

Also it raises serious, more awkward questions.

Such as ‘what might we understand from THFC pursuing a player that nobody else has?’ 

I’d tell the Dumb Dumbs to get ready to rejoice.

Mediocrity’s coming home.

